Particle Experiments

Figured I’d share with you guys my trails and tribulations with this voxel / particle engine I’ve been working on.

A Rotating Particle Blaster
A Moving/Rotating Particle Blaster
2 Randomly Spitting Particle Blasters
Snow Blower Particles (reformable terrain)
A Moving/Rotating Particle Blaster (deformable terrain)

Please tell me what you think of them :slight_smile:

I like all of them, but I like the one with you shoveling snow the most. hahahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

I did the deformable terrain one now?!

Funny how it seems to go faster than the reformable one… I wonder if it’s because the terrain takes up more space and then goes to less space…

BUT… One problem… Anyone notice that one single flicker that passes through about 10seconds into watching the reformable and deformable terrains… And then doesn’t do it again?

Anyone have a clue what that might be?

i sure noticed it, dunno what it is though

Nice job :slight_smile:

youre getting good at this :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: =)

i can´t choose just one…they´re all awesome =)

Good job playa!!

i like all of them, good work=)

Wow… I think I did something cool for once…

passes out

By the way, WTH is a voxel? :trout:

I really like the first one and the last one. They are all great though. Excellent work!

I expect a tutorial when you are done :wink:

a voxel is a 3D pixel. Basically a tiny cube of color in a ‘raster’ 3D image. For example there was a project a few years ago where they froze a dead prizon inmate (2 actually I believe, male and female) and they sliced them down from the head to toe in very thin segments taking pictures of the slices as they went along. Each one of the pixels in each one of those photographs represents a voxel as it represents a pixel of color in 3D space.

btw, the snow blower blows them all away :wink: … well maybe not the last one AS much =)

You mean the snowmobile sen! And yes it does… Mayeb my last one and the snowmobile are equal? lol

:slight_smile: And I forgot to change the voxel one… These are just particle systems… Not voxel systems. Not yet at least :wink:

Thanks alot guys :slight_smile: