I finally got around to actually doing something… Here ya go…
Going to make a tutorial of this asap! I believe this will be my first tutorial…
I’m still modifying it though… Going to start throwing on the turrets and make it even more playable… When the bomb hits the ground… make it look like an actual explosion as well…
A game where you can drop mini-Phils on the landscape? Have you thought of the consequences of that kind of action? What if they developed AI? They’d take over the Internet! :beam:
lol! Little phils! lol!
very cool! I love it!
I have 1 question! What are the grey boxes that are behind the landscape! I think that the bomb actually hits a grey box instead of the landscape and triggrs some kinda action that makes the landscape change shape! am I right?
The code for making those little boxes and testing them was smaller than the code to test RGB colors… And This will work for any landscape color as well…
Yeah I know it isn’t much… But it’s a piece of what will come along at a further time… Actually someone wanted me to write them up something about that and I finally got around to it…
I just left the grey boxes that color to show you what it is hitting… Cause a normal hitTest on the full land would hit the bounding box at certain areas… And that would look incredibly unrealistic… Wouldn’t ya say?
Peace Guys… Next thing I’m attaching are circular looking turrets… :cowboy:
Most people don’t think of the little things like this in a game…
But it’s the little things that make everyone go “Ohhh” and “Ahhh”…
And for some reason… I have a nick-nack with figuring out the small things like this…
I will really be happy when I can get this game to work in a full isometric grid at the same speed as above (lies in dreams)… I know I can do it… It’s just whether or not the computer will be bogged down…
I just finished drawing the prototype turret design and added it to the playfield… Looks rather cool I’d say… Too lazy to take a picture right now though… Will take one sometime this week…
I also figured out a way I could do the isometric thing… But the hard part is going to be… Collision detection with isometric fields in mind… thinks about this…
Hmm… This might be a tad bit tough to design… hehe
i had done something similar last year in flash 5 (december 12, 2001 at www.bit-101.com) but this inspired me to update it into flash mx, using the drawing tools. check out the dec 23 & 24 2002 files.