we want to know about geronimo’s skull phil. you brought it up, and internet searches resulted in nothing. can you spill it please…
nice, fester8542, sounds sweet to me!
we want to know about geronimo’s skull phil. you brought it up, and internet searches resulted in nothing. can you spill it please…
What Majeye said…
basically how the pentagon is controlling the media…just one of many examples that our mainstream media is controlled and not actually free press…
The thing that makes me wonder is, after they “get” Sadaam…who will they go after next? Korea has stated they have nukes yet they are going after the state with oil first…i hate coming back to the oil but $$$ is what rules the world, i dunno makes me wonder…gotta keep questioning especially in this day and age :q: :q: :q: :q:
oh and those taht are thinking this is some nuts website think again! i got this from yahoo.com from their news section!
check this out! stunning…goes perfectlty with this topic
edit: W00t lookit this in article!! “The war now being prepared is aimed at conquering Iraq and establishing a US protectorate to rule that country and administer its oil wealth.”
This quote is from an excerpt of a Washington Post article
*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**oh and those taht are thinking this is some nuts website think again! i got this from yahoo.com from their news section!
check this out! stunning…goes perfectlty with this topic
US media begins preparing the public for mass slaughter in Iraq - World Socialist Web Site
edit: W00t lookit this in article!! “The war now being prepared is aimed at conquering Iraq and establishing a US protectorate to rule that country and administer its oil wealth.”
This quote is from an excerpt of a Washington Post article **
World Socialist Web Site? Um… No thanks.
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**First Class-
Check out the meta tags on the world socialist site. They are definately socialists, but remember socialisim is not really any different than being a democrat.
**These concerns of your might have made sense in the days when private land ownership wasn’t prohibited by ‘inflated property taxes’ in America, where they have actually started taxing the abiity to own property and not the property itself.
But reading a few articles is hardly going to hurt you, is it?
go on, check it out.
pj **
I’m sure they have some good columns, but a viable news source they are not. That’d be like telling a Democrat/Socialist to get their news from the National Review or the Standard.
If there’s actually anything I learned in college, it’s to never use organizational websites as sources of information. Most of the time it’s inaccurate and they drop your grade a lot if they see it in your references.
i get my version of the truth from mass media. my sources are privately funded, so they have to be true, right? some dingbat with a website will never never ever have anything close to the truth unless he’s paraphrasing USA today. I learned all this in my american classroom, with my american history book, taught by my underpaid american teacher. Under the control of a congress that can vote for its own pay raises.
Stories that shape our concept of reality are shoved in our faces daily by the mass media, but we’re still suposed to think that propaganda is something that only nazi’s use. Wake up and smell the cranial-KY, because america is being screwed in the mind daily. :x
yea i agree, but what you are being fed by the mass media is pure propaganda and if you believe eveyrthing they say and dont question it you are being a fool, not you neccesarliy but a lot of people believe CNN is “the word of God” …make sense? i simply hate how biased the major news channels are and now i only watch news channels like BBC who are muhc less biased…
*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**yea i agree, but what you are being fed by the mass media is pure propaganda and if you believe eveyrthing they say and dont question it you are being a fool, not you neccesarliy but a lot of people believe CNN is “the word of God” …make sense? i simply hate how biased the major news channels are and now i only watch news channels like BBC who are muhc less biased… **
I completely agree with both you and majeye. It’s so hard these days to find an honest, agenda-less, down the middle news report. Everyone wants to pipe in with their opinions.
META NAME=“Description” CONTENT=“In the midst of the Bush administration’s drumbeat for an invasion of Iraq, the government and the media have begun to prepare public opinion for a massive slaughter of innocent Iraqi civilians, as well as substantial American military casualties.”
META NAME=“Headline” CONTENT=“US media begins preparing the public for mass slaughter in Iraq”
morse what are you getting at?! are we all simply sheep?! NO WAY!! Your A nUT i SAY A NUT! Back to Quake 3 arena and mindless but strangely addictive gaming!
::backs up::
“Don’t look at me, I just stole that off of that socialist website”
It doesn’t matter if you think civilian casualties are a good thing as you are still willing to sacrifice these people for an unknown quantity which shows how much value is placed on their lives.
I can agree to disagree but I will be interested to see what happens after all this has ended.
If the US does attack, after the bloodshed is over will you still be so concerned with the plight of the Iraqi’s?
After proping up a dictator then cutting him down, with the country in chaos and ruin we will see how much the US is willing to spend of the victims it had so much to do with over the last 20 years. 10-1 it isn’t as much as Bush will spend on getting re-elected.
yea i hope the voting machines dont “screw up” again…its amazing how it keeps happening smirks
Again, we have a conflicting <b>opinion</b>. Like I said before, that’s cool with me. I respect your <b>opinion</b>.
For some reason you keep repeating yourself. Maybe if you regurgitate that same statement one or two more times you might change my <b>opinion</b>.
<b>[SIZE=3]OR[/SIZE] </b>
maaaaaayyyyyybe you can accept the fact that I have an <b>opinion?</b>
Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious
Oscar Wilde