Sorry, no longer active.
My friend and I, gh0st would love to take you up on this offer.
What’s your account name?
Mine : em0i
gh0st’s : v0lcon
We arent very good but why not :thumb:
We arent very good but why not
It’s all about just having fun :beam:
I haven’t actually played in a while I need to set up a new account on Battle net (I forgot my old one).
I’ll post my name once I get the account.
I’ve only got “Reign of Chaos” so I can’t play “Frozen Throne”.
Aw RoC?! Darnit, ok ok. We like in the east coast of America.
I’d say we have about a 13 hour diff? Lol.
We play TFT but yusterday I tried RoC and man… everything seems so much more expensive in that game. I know bungie updates a lot and changes unit’s hitpoints, price, build time, damage, defense and other things a lot but in RoC everything has a big price to go along with it. Then again I only played one game of Orc’s
LOL! I think you mean Blizzard there bud. Enough Halo for you!
Haha I must have been in hurry and Ill take it easy on the Halo from now on
We play TFT but yusterday I tried RoC and man… everything seems so much more expensive in that game. I know bungie updates a lot and changes unit’s hitpoints, price, build time, damage, defense and other things a lot but in RoC everything has a big price to go along with it. Then again I only played one game of Orc’s
I thought these battles were in Art and Design forums for a reason :huh:.
You guys are too creative :D.
Oh ofcourse Sharif!
Necro posted up for a warcraft tournament in the computer and games section. Seems like more people willing for playing Warcraft in there rather than in the Battles section. Try joining up for his tourny instead. It is a 2vs2
I’ll look into it