Warrior on Steed - Low poly game model

i thought it fit in real nice cause you know the bags complemented it.

It’ll still have head gear, but I’ll model it with higher poly’s and a bit more attention to detail (Looks like I’m gonna have a few poly’s to play with when this is finished, so I’ll be putting some more detail in). Thanks for the spear suggestion, I think I’ll give the warrior spears, and perhaps a bow and arrow…


you could make a battle scene or something with a whole bunch of them.:crazy: or just keep it simple:)

ironikart , get a job, they take you everywhere, i bet…

This is the warrior, just blocked in at this stage. Looks like I’m going too far under the poly limit so I can add alot more detail. Unfortunately its easier to delete, rather than add! I decided on a female character from an older concept sketch. It’s not welded at this stage as I work on making it look a little better (and add feet and hands). My concept sketch was “willowy” so she looks like a bit of a stick. I wanted that contrast between the warrior and the bear though.

Hey dude, sorry I’m late to the show, been working my butt off at work. The models look nice, especially the texture on that polar, nice work.

The warrior is looking interesting, be intresting to see it progress. :thumb:

wow man! that is looking GREAT!

Wow Ironik, you are really creative! That is great work! :beam:

Another update on the warrior. She doesn’t have hair yet, or the rest of her armour, but it’s getting there. I’m going to start texturing so I know how much armour I can make with the texture space available. I find people hard to do… Hope this one turns out!

BTW - thanks everyone for the positive comments. You should check out the other entries in this though… mine is right down the bottom in terms of quality. Sumea competition

A quick texture test…

There’s a Playstation-like quality to these low polygon models…