Poly sci-fi warrior

An almost finished render of my low poly warrior, just for fun.

3DS Max 4
Brazil renderer
polycount: 3948
Time taken: 2 days roughly
2 texture maps (1024x1024 for the warrior, 512x512 for the gun)

Still some texture mapping problems. Fiddly to fix so this will be it for now.

I’d welcome any feedback you guys have to offer!

It’s very nice, although he has an armor that makes his head look REALLY small, that needs some finishing, take a look at unreal tournament 2003 for some references there’s some really good models there. And I believe that the armor and gun need more texturing, it looks to smooth right now!

Hey, what happened to that polarbear, bird-looking kinda warrior?

Still working on that… needs a few refinements. I’m finishing it up tommorow cause the competition closes on Sunday.

I’ll enlarge his head over the weekend :wink:

Brazil renderer

is what?

www.splutterfish.com - a 3dmax renderer, better than the one you get with the program.

aaaaahh smooth his head - use a nurbs smoothing or whatever, poor him looks like he’s had a bad day… Anyway great work, needs a helmet for that huge armor tho.

wow, looking really cool! not sure about smaking his head bigger… perhaps just have his head sit in a bit… looks like he’s got a really long neck. I’d say move the head down a bit more.

keep up the good work! :thumb:

this is great !

but the model you made is like the half-life engine, maybe make the rendering much better, add a cool background or something,
maybe add a Helmet ! to cover the “small head”

I like your machine gun !

thats amazing! but sink the head a bit~!

youve got too much time boy

*Originally posted by fishtank *
**youve got too much time boy **

exactly the opposite… not enough time. This is to beef up my portfolio for a job application after the weekend. Its too rushed.

Personally, I think its nice, really good work, his body is more proportioned then UT, so for anyone who used, or will use that reference, bleh! But the render is a little bright.

i think its bright cause it looks like there is a spotlight on his front, hence the shaddow in the back, not positive though

i like the way he looks except for the armor, it could use some detail, maybe a decal or scratches or something on it.

yeah maybe bump it?

Take a look at the marines from blizzard’s StarCraft.

FInally not a zip file! THAT’S AWSOME!!!

*Originally posted by IshiXP *
FInally not a zip file!

god i know

Well, I can see where you got the design idea from.


warhammer is a good source for modeling but that means your gonna have to draw them by hand and scan them in, i doubt games workshop have sketches of their models on their website.