Was wondering how to do this

I was wondering how to do that effect that telekinesis has on his signy… HOw did he make that rectangles of blue, red,white move with some rectangle “lagging” behind… cool effect…
I pm-ed him, asking him whether he can teach me or tell me how to achieve those effects… he hasn’t reply me yet… and i’m kinda anxious to know…

So can anyone enlighten me ? Thank you!

well one way is to make your animation a seperate movie clip, then you can put serveral instances of the anim on top of each other but starting on different frames so they don’t play in sync. then all you need to is assign different alpha values to the trailing anim clips to get that ghosting effect.

Hope this helps :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm… isn’t that lotsa of work?
Can use AS to control the diff movie clips?

Its not that much work, you only have to create you anim once as a movie clip. Then just place it on the stage and put a few more instances on top/underneath it. You can set the _alpha value of the additional instances with actionscript or inside of flash with the effects option and to get them to start at different times is just a question of putting each instance on a seperate layer and making them start/appear at different times just like you would a normal animation