have a SOTW for non-flash sites. for people who dont have the brain capacity to make a flash site. you know? =)
sounds like a good idea. talk k-man about it.=)
That kind of defeats the purpose of this being a Flash forum :sigh:
maybe if you use the word flash in your html webpage you can trick everyone?
lost: We also have the serverside/scripting section… not all flash…
also an art section…
make a BSOTW (BASIC site of the week), and a ASOTW (advanced site of the week)…
so the ASOTW has more prestige than the other…
Eilsoe: True, but the server-side scripting is also for Flash Server-Side questions and such. And the art section is well for fun…lol. Like the random, but for art :crazy:
We have enough work with Flash SOTW, I honestly don’t think we need an HTML SOTW too :-\
Just my opinion.
I now we’re busy… I don’t support it (well a little, mostly because I’d rather make a html site…)
I was just backing up the idea a bit…
eilsoe it dont look liek ur gonna win mate
i personally think it would be cool. it would give people like me with no or little expirence with flash, to show off what we could do in html=)
well the non-flash sotw could be ‘just fun’
you know?
That’s pretty tough to think about though…
Albeit a Flash Forum… Kirupa’s main book is about Frontpage which is basically more oriented towards HTMl than Flash…
Server Side isn’t all about FLash Server side either… It entails with php, asp or any of those… Because that’s really what server side scripting is
I don’t vote at all though so I’m gonna shut up lmao
*Originally posted by playamarz *
**That’s pretty tough to think about though…
Albeit a Flash Forum… Kirupa’s main book is about Frontpage which is basically more oriented towards HTMl than Flash…
Server Side isn’t all about FLash Server side either… It entails with php, asp or any of those… Because that’s really what server side scripting is
I don’t vote at all though so I’m gonna shut up lmao **
no. you agree with me, so dont shut up. ;D
Server-Side is for both Server-Side scripting AND Flash Server-Side scripting.
Why create a section just for Flash Server-Side, because if you know the language you can help people with general server-side as well
Kirupas book is on Frontpage, but they came to him to write it, he didn’t go to them
Alls I hear is
Blah Blah Blah
Yada Yada Yada
lmao… yeah yea man… In all honesty it isn’t a bad idea… Especcially since most HTML made sites look cleaner and better than the entire flash sites.