alex, what’s up with your site?
wittle awex wan outta bandwidsh
haha im that popular, it got 600hits with the time it was online. and thats not counting my hits.
thats pretty cool alex
now that your popular, get a real host
yeah man, i paid 15 bucks for mine (now 20 though)
ipowerweb is el besto
just look at this
ohhh… thats yearly… didnt see that
i get 400 mb and 30 gig with all that good stuff… for 7 a month and a free domain name
i like mine more, cuase they are small they answer questions so fast, even ask hojo
what kind of dog do you have, it sorta looks like a husky, but i only had a quick look
it is a husky… let me zoom in on him… his name is samson…
btw dippy… i get amazing costumer service… like i get replies in 15 minutes… its awesome
that does look like a husky
same here. less most of the time
why? er where do you live? that sucks though. but just a thought, you should add an auto refresh to the page
She’s leavin cuz it’s my uncles dog, but we’ve had her 2 years and I’m gonna miss her:’(… I live outsida Rochester NY
I’m workin on the autorefresh thing but I can’t figure it out… I might just do it in flash or something
Rochester? I live near Rochester… Just the one in England.
lol… wooohooo… you should come over for tea and crumpet for some time… theres probably like an international rochester teleporter or something in the rochesters
soul… you can come too