I’m just a college student with a lil free time. I’ve been coming here for a while seeing wut people think about flash/photoshop stuff and i am very impressed with what some of you can do.
If anyone feels like wasting some time. check out my site at http://filebox.vt.edu/users/rdalicho and let me know what u think. yeah i know, this site contains some vulgar language (thats how we all speak when we are free) and hmmmm censorable pictures.
Sorry, hope it doesnt offend anyone…again, i just want to know wut skills/stuff i should improve on.
It’s a cool site. Seems like with a little tweaking it could be real nice. I’m guessing it’s so huge because you are loading all the pics and the music before the site opens. I would suggest learning some scripts to load things in as needed.
p.s. I was all excited for some offensive pics and then couldn’t find any. Other than some dudes butt.
njhokie2002, next time post your site in ‘site check’.
loading time is a tad too big. Plus there are some bugs; when you come from 1 section to another the mp3 suddenly stops and starts overs. Navigation is a bit crappy, add some easing…
Other than that I think you have a very well done photo gallery
yeah work on ya nav bar and sort out that load time 56k users will be waiting a good year b4 they get the see the cookies that are on there. Cough not worth the wait cough.
Yeah, so why are you naked on like all the phothos? Some kind of fetish or what? You should like play chess to pass time or something… Site looks ok, though.