Weird effects

Okay, so I’ve been wondering about this for a loooooooong time:

on some sites, you see this a lot:
when the site loads for the first time, some things come flying in and such…eerrr…argh, it’s hard to explain actually…

I mean: for instance, you have this box with text in it and a scroller, but the whole box is transformed from nothing. I mean, they begin with an irregular form, and then it transforms into the whole box.

If it’s just like a circle or something like that, it’s not hard to do it. But how do they do it when it’s like a whole box with text in it and a scrollbar?

I hope this made some sence…

Shape tween ring a bell? Got any examples?

Well yeah, shape tween, but I mean… I know how to transform like, a square into a circle and all that. That’s not hard. But like, a whole text box with a scrollbar attached to it… How do you transform that?

Nah, I can’t think of any places who have in example right now…

Are the scrollers and such actually being ‘transformed’? Or do they appear just as the shape is ending its transformation.


*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Got any examples? **

Lol, well after going trough your site, I noticed you have some of them on it (well, more the less). For instance, when your site just loads, these white boxes come “transforming” in. Like the wallpaper one. That’s kind of what I mean.

And kO2n, I haven’t really noticed if they transform too or just appear at the end… :expressionless:

Those white boxes are simple shape tweens, nothing more.

Yeah, but like in the “Recent work” one, there is already text in it. How do you do that? So it’s not only the white box changing shape, coz if it were only that, that would be easy indeed.

shape tween the mask that covers the box with text.


sighs Why didn’t I think of that?

Well, that’s actually a rather simple explination which 'll do. Thanks a bunch EG.