? weird message?

I was updating a download on phpNuke… I finished the updates and pressed the “Update” button. I was sent to a page on my server that had no code or anything. It just said: I don’t like you…

Is this something that phpNUke puts up normally?
Or am I being hacked? :frowning:

right after this I downloaded Zone Alarm and almost instantly it blocked an IP, no program or anything, just someone tryin to access my computer… HELP ME!

sounds like you got an enemy my friend…

Try this:

It shows all tcp/udp listeners, kills trojan processes, registry trace scans etc.
A lot of great features:)

is it better than zone alarm ?

I just download it. but I dont know what dos it realy do ?

Zone Alarm is fine but if you do get infected with a trojan, TDS is great for finding and deleting it.

so TDS is like zone alarm. it is a firewall also ?

THat’s funny LoL {:

if its TDS have same as Zone Alarm and more then its the best.
But its not free. If I use the unreg. version, can it protect ?

TDS is an anti-trojan app. It doesn’t detect other viruses. You could run your usual firewall and tds at the same time. Even if you use the unregistered version it still does a great job.

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**sounds like you got an enemy my friend… **

yes! I love enemies!

Oh, and I am getting tds, thanks for the link