
i just got a call from some one concerning my web domain. they where saying that they can get my site on Major search engines. and the lady new where i lived:-\ . it was weird, and im still confused. she asked me if i had a web hosting thing. im confused:-\

Probably a scam. Be careful.

she said she will send me more info. and when i get it i will post it=)

Hello Alex:

Verio has a THE marketing service you have been desperately looking for.

It is called NetAnnounce Sentinel ([NAS[).

Search engines are the most effective way to bring visitors and potential new clients to your business. It is a fact that over 85% of your visits will come through the search engines.

So how does this work?

NetAnnounce Sentinel offers professional Web site promotional services which help Web sites get higher rankings in search engines. Our highly effective, Sentinel service ensures that your Web site will not be overlooked by the top search engines on the Internet.

The NAS Guarantee:
[Your site will be found under one or more of your major keyword phrases, in the top 30 returns, in at least three of the major search engines within 120 days of Optimization. We will continue to work with you to do whatever it takes to keep your Web site in the top 30, in at least three of the major search engines or your money back![

Now Your Site WILL Be Found!
All you have to do, is select key words & phrases that you want to be found under in the search engines, and we do everything else.

-Optimize your home page, which works through raising the relevancy of the key words you have selected.
-We check your site for broken links.
-We create and install optimized Meta Tags.
-We also use several other proprietary techniques we]ve developed to help you get well listed.
-We manually register your site with more than 20 major search engines.

Currently those search engines are: AltaVista, CNET, AOL Search, HotBot, Excite, WebCrawler, WhatUSeek, Lycos, Google, Direct Hit, Fast, All the Web, Iwon, About, *Looksmart, MSN, Netscape, Overture, Open Directory, Northern Light, Ask 4Anything, in Canada, in the United Kingdom, Goo in Japan, radarUOL in Brazil, Anzwers in Australia, MobilCom & Swiss Search in Germany, Chello in Europe, and Starmedia in Latin America
-We register your site with 800+ Internet search engines, if you select that free option.

The Cost:
All this for only $21.95/mo with a one time $199.00 set fee*.
*The setup fee for NAS is non-refundable once the work has been done to the customer’s site.

Please call me or email me with your questions. I will follow up this email to confirm the receipt and discuss how we should move forward. Again, I am here to answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to working with you, and getting your web site noticed!

Warmest regards,

thats the email i got. im not to sure about this:-\

like Ren said, be careful. check them out, make sure that when you go to sign up its a https:// and come back and tell us again and stuff like that, you dont want a CC number on the web where anyone can get it…

i know. the lady asked me how the weather was and she told me where i lived. thats scary. and i never sighned up with thoes people.:-\

I’m guessing that you just recently purchased your domain and
that’s how they got your info. The whois database is public
knowledge, and there’s tons of people who rip it for the latest
domains to try to take advantage of their ignorance to the web.


I know a few guys who do this, and it’s very lucrative, however
very dirty IMO. They mention Verio at the very top, but I can
almost guarantee they aren’t with Verio at all. A few of my clients
have been contacted the same way, and possibly by these very
same people.

People like this should be reported, because it clearly states that
any use of the data provided by the whois database is not for

This is clearly spam and a scam.


should i report it some where:-\

i just got another call about it, after i said no. When will these people leave me alone:(

Muppets. And what’s $200 in English money? A lot, probably. These people irritate me. :angry:

People can make their site appear high in search engines by using common sense… You’re doing the right thing by telling them no. Especially since the call was unsolicited.

kit a pound is worth 1.75 USD so i would roundt hat up to 2USD and say just over 100Pounds

The lady kept asking me questions. She Said, arnt you in college. Haha and earlyer in the convo she said that she looked around my site. Even though it says im only 16…

i dont like getting calls from these types of people. too pushy.

Rip off merchants. And all it looks like they do is add meta tags which you can do yourself, and register you with search engines, which again you can do yourself and for free. Never mind this $200 rubbish.

i even said that, she tried to tell me that they know the best places to put it. SO do i. lol

thanks to phils tut, i can do it when ever i want.

Then she insisted that i go ahead with this, to get my site out there. I told here that i have my link on a forum, a really good one to. I told here that my site generates atleast 40 hits every day. So i wont be needing your services.

Then she asked me what one. LOL why dont i just give you my bank acount number to…


If in doubt, just hang up. Or even better, ask them to hang on a second, thenput the phone down, <i>don’t</i> hang up, and go and do something else for an hour. Bet they won’t bother to call again. :stuck_out_tongue:

you might be wondering how they got your information. You can go to and input your domain name, and you’ll see that all your information is there… phone, email, etc…

I know there’s a way to hide that, but I haven’t done it yet… Maybe one of our fellow kirupians know…

i have a domain lock. These types of sites should be shut down…