Welcome banner on the forums?

The forums always look a bit disconnected from the main site. Fixing that has been a huge pain, but there is a potential solution here by having a small banner that looks similar to what Discourse uses on their forums:

For the forums here, what are some of the items to put for our three columns? I was thinking something like: Tutorials, Fun Coding Exercises, How to ask a great question!


If I was new I would probably find the following most helpful:

  • Forums tips (formatting text, scroll to last post ect)
  • How to ask a question (example question)
  • Frequent beginner topics (links to tutes on main site and topics on the forum)
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That’s a great suggestion! Maybe even an intro video that covers a lot of what would be in the first two points.

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Yeah a video would be really good :slightly_smiling_face:

Not an entirely serious suggestion, but: Don’t post SEO spam as your first post. Probably hundreds or thousands of those accounts deleted every year.


Its kind of weird seeing a web dev advertisement tacked on the back an AS thread from 10+ years ago :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

After much wrangling, I was able to get the home page banner up. I went back and forth on how actionable the banner should be, but I settled on something more casual instead:



Thats nice

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I dig it.

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