Just read through the whole thread, one of my favorite topics, so I got to bust a little bit :
A correction for Majeye on the eye-test: as a recent DUI myself, part of the sentence in Arizona includes 16 hours of “rehab”/counseling. They make you watch a bunch of videos, the counselors tell you how they used to smoke crack and eat babies until they found Jesus, and they draw a lot of diagrams like “the timeline of Addiction” and “the flowchart of Alcoholism”, also the always-popular “web diagram of DOOM”.
The cool thing was that they explained the whole eye-test deal- you know how when you’re really drunk, you get the bedspins? Ever had time to really evaluate the mechanics of said phenomenon? Well, I can say (unfortunately) there’s been many a time I’ve laid there after a hard night out, wishing my vision would stop oscillating so I could get to sleep, and you realize that if you attempt to focus on something, your eyes drift away and snap back. That’s what the eye test is for, if you’ve had a certain amount to drink, you can’t keep your eyes on the pencil when it comes close to your peripheral vision- your eyes twitch. They showed us a video, it’s pretty cool. “Susan Straightedge at a BAC of .00, tracking the pencil. Notice how she is able to focus on the pencil all the way to the corners of her eyes”
“Dave Drunkard at a BAC of .015, notice how he can’t seem to get his d@mn act together and look at the pencil without twitching like a mental patient.”
On my good friend The Kind, a couple things to think about:
1.) When I was 20, I blazed up all day long, every day, until I went to sleep, and accomplished little in life beyond becoming very good at certain Playstation games, passably proficient at joint rolling, and a master of the barbecue and its associated rituals.
2.) Some time later I realized my working vocabulary had decreased by approximately 20%, which scared me.
3.) I started reading frequently again a few years ago, and surprise surprise, my vocab’s back in full effect!
Which leads me to believe 2 things,
a. Even if I’d never come under the sway of the Green Menace, I still wouldn’t have done sh!t for myself when I was 20, I was simply a lazy little b@stard, weed or not.
b. What’s up with the supposed brain damage? Seems to me the only damage I incurred was a result of sitting around, playing video games and eating corn on the cob all d@mn day, instead of exercising my brain.
I still smoke a little herb on occasion, pretty much only on weekends or when I don’t have a lot else to do (read:almost never), as I’ve noticed that pot kills my productivity, dead, for a good 6 hours, and hampers it noticeably for a good 12 hours after that. Can’t afford to be non-productive anymore, you can only be a lazy bum for so long.
I look forward to saving up enough loot to travel the world and get high on far-flung beaches, drinking unfamiliar beer and eating coconut-milk based seafood dishes. But until then, who has time to smoke pot in any kind of a dedicated fashion? Not I, said the fly.
Anyways, I guess that was a little long-winded and introspective, probably semi-irrelevant and self-indulgent as well. That’s what happens when you smoke weed :bandit: