What do you do for a living?

Does it pay well? Considering that all three come in quite a limited supply…

…that’s because I’m such an efficient slayer, plunderer, and deflowerer!

Animator and Illustrator!

I post on Kirupa instead of co running my web design business.

Try to be a good husband and father, lose my monthly beer allowance just about every month as the IT Manager for a St. Louis based brewery (not that one), own and run a small business consulting firm (software/web development, accounting (wife’s a CPA)), go to school full time (double major computer science/web development), play music, attempt to sleep for 3 seconds a week.

[QUOTE=glosrfc;2347333]I wish your border control oiks had been more tolerant when I visited. I was sorely tempted to point out the wording in my passport from their same Queen: “Her Britannic Majesty requests and requires you to allow the bearer to pass freely and without hindrance”[/QUOTE]
I never said we tolerated free passage without hinderance . . .

I’m a Teacher but employed as a marketing assistant:)

Web Designer/Developer/Pronstar

[quote=B L U E;2347282]Last 3 years: Web Developer.
Now: Full time student in college.
Future: Portfolio Manager/Financial Advisor/Derivatives Specialist.[/quote]

Derivatives Specialist? Hah

I’m allowed to make up my own title, but it’s just “the programmer”. I maintain the printing at my university, which just means building and setting up servers and maintaining our printing software (C# and PHP). Easiest job ever. :stuck_out_tongue:

I sit in a cubicle and I update bank software for the 2000 switch, so I go through these thousands of lines of code and, uh… it doesn’t really matter. I uh, I don’t like my job, and, uh, I don’t think I’m gonna go anymore.

developer / designer. used to be designer / developer, but now i do like a gajillion times more development than design. It saddens me greatly. Anyway, JS/PHP/Markup/CSS/Semantics/SEO … all those neato catch phrases that you kiddies toss around these days, that’s what I do.

I make internets work, and then i go home and sleep


I’m THE graphic and web designer for a small company, I also do development work with PHP/SQL and such. And I love it! :smiley:

I sit on a street corner and beg for food and money (aka Web Developer), I made £45 quid this morning got 1/2 a sandwich gave to me, joy.

I’m THE graphic and web designer for a small company, I also do development work with PHP/SQL and such. And I love it!

Yea I love my job too, the people are awesome, the environment is relaxed, and the potty humor never ceases, its great :fab:

I’m an Interactive Media Developer.

I make trainings for pharmaceutical companies I teach them how to handle drugs and teach them how to sell them and convince Primary Care Physicians to prescribe said drugs :lol:

I feel like a drug dealer :lol: :fab: :love:

Airline Ops process consultant (full time)
Manage/market a variety of classical music groups (part time)
Build a website or two (very part time)

And am I happy? You betcha I am :slight_smile:

Oh I could bet the world on that. Ya pimp! No seriously, good for ya and all the best! :smiley:

Currently working as a broadcast motion graphics designer and a freelance web/graphics designer. The freelancing has gone down a lot though. I also produce electronica as a hobby which is slowly and steadily phasing into a more serious plan. :slight_smile: