What Kind of Car should I Buy

no mini-vans, no SUVS, and definetly no stationwagons!:stuck_out_tongue:

OrangeOneā€“Iā€™ll have to take the body part business into consideration! I dont think I have any spares lying around to sell;)

Fester, I am sure you have them hidden in your closest somewhere! Any ideas on body parts, I can sell =) (i have a feeling I am getting ymself in a mess with this thread :sure: )

whats so handy about it? Still, i guess its better that you mum drives that instead of of a 4x4 land rover thingy. I hate it when mothers drive those things when all they are doing is dropping the kids off at school etcā€¦

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**Any ideas on body parts, I can sell =) (i have a feeling I am getting myself in a mess with this thread :sure: ) **

how about festers lung if he doesnt completly stop smoking? He wont be using them for much longer anyway :evil:

Ha ha Orangeā€¦

No Re, you know I eat whatever body parts I have laying around my house.

And about the Debt thing. At least most of my debt is tied up in a mortage for a propert that is worth way more than I owe :slight_smile:

You never should have tought me about equity :thumb:

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
you know I eat whatever body parts I have laying around my house.

Brains are good this time of yearā€¦

what the hell is wrong with meā€¦you learn to save and start to be smart with your money after, I move out!! I should have never taught you and let ya spend it all!!!

tee hee


An absolute beauty. :slight_smile:

This is what I want drive, though weā€™re talking 18 - 20 grand unfortunatelyā€¦

That your mates car Kit? I really like the Rally Blueā€¦ Although the silver that I have looks pretty sharp. =)

I really need to get a digi camera so I can post pics of my Scoobā€¦ :slight_smile: (Or get unlazy and hook up my scanner)


No, itā€™s not Trigā€™s car - heā€™s got the Sti (probably the same spec as yours) and silver as well. :slight_smile: This is the P1 edition, which I just love.

Iā€™ve also got a real soft spot for the Lancer Evo VII. :slight_smile:

Donā€™t buy a car! Buy <a href=ā€œhttp://www.popsci.com/popsci/auto/article/0,12543,436797,00.htmlā€>Dodgeā€™s 4-Wheel Tomahawk</a>! :slight_smile:

[size=1]The price is the only negative thing about this one! ;)[/size]

[Enter ridiculous pun about ā€˜riding KITTā€™ here]


Small, not expensive, environmentally-friendly and very very safe :wink: =)

The Evo is not worth the money, would rather save up 10K more and get a Corvette or a Ford Lightning. It is like paying for a lancer with $25,000 worth of upgrades, do you really think the interior. body kit, and engine upgrades costed anywhere near the tag on that car.

I am a truck person, Ford Lightning to be exact!

rere, check out this site: http://www.cars.com/search/used/cc/standard/input/advanced_search.jhtml?aff=boston



Buy a karman ghia, because:

  1. On your budget - you can afford it
  2. They look really cool
  3. They are very cheap and easy to maintain
  4. Just look at it - how cool is that?
  5. They drive beautifully
  6. They are funkier than a mosquitoeā€™s tweeter
  7. They donā€™t use much fuel

I rest my case.

what urban said or get a 1976 volkswagen beetle they run on very low fuel, and they dont overheat :beam: or just get a car you can afford all you need is a ride so just get whatever gets the job done then work your way up later on, and learn to drive a standard car its very fun and its a faster car, cheaper and breaks less than an automatic and is cheaper to fix, oh and if it wont tunr on you can always push it and pop out the clutch and turn it on lol :wink:

Once you go standard you wont go back to automatic unless your old or lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

Old and lazy, so thats what happened to meā€¦ Manuals in the traffic suckā€¦

one wordā€¦ā€œPLASMAā€

you can make top dollar selling your plasma to blood banks and what have you. also, i hear they give $50,000 if you donate a testicle!

i really love the mustang that i driveā€¦but i think a 96 honda or toyota would prolly be in your budget and very dependable.
