Your Dream Car!

hey guys, i was just wondering, what are your 3 favorite cars of all time??

here are mine…

'71 Mustang Mach I (souped up the way i want it)

'03 Corvette Z06

'98 HUMMER (1) Soft Top

btw… you don’t have to post pics

Mine would definitely be (in order)
<blockquote>1) '96 Dodge Viper GTS
2) BMW Z4 (the ones my British neighbors drive is a right-handed driver’s side, I want that one)
3) '67 Shelby GT500</blockquote>

There are 3 cars i want to have someday:

  • 1995 mustang GT 5.0 V8
  • opel calibra 2.0 turbo 16v
  • vw golf gti

Mine would be:
-Ferrari Enzo
-Lambo Coutach
-2003 Mini Cooper

Hey mike, with the money to buy the enzo i could get my 3 cars :beam:
by the way, how much is that?



*Originally posted by reverendflash *


Rev **
what kind of mileage do those things get? I heard those rubber soles add a lot of drag.

*Originally posted by claudio *
**Hey mike, with the money to buy the enzo i could get my 3 cars :beam:
by the way, how much is that? **

enzo? poket change.

yeah the golf is sweet though! one of my teachers used to have one. coolest car (after the mini ;)) in the parking lot. i wouldnt mind the ML55 or the RX 330 :stuck_out_tongue: my mom has the RX 300 and i want the 330 or the GX.

ok practial (kind list)

-2003 Mercedes G55
-2003 Lexus RX 330
-2004 Mini Cooper

Hehe much more practicable now

Bugatti Veryon…

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**what kind of mileage do those things get? I heard those rubber soles add a lot of drag. **

not bad really…

I get about 5-10 miles/triple-shot Moccha …



  1. Ferrari 360 Modena Spyder (
  2. 2004 Porsche Carerra GT (
  3. 2004 BMW M3 2-Dr Convertible (

Yumm! Now that is a list of cars!! Watch the streaming video of the Porsche. At the end of it they start it up and I promise you’ll need to change ur pants.

enzo is about 200k USD

call me crazy, but my favorite car is:

lol @ morse:

the ferarri enzo is worth $659,000 , and fewer than 200 have been made.

I’m not a big car guy, but the one’s I like the most from movies:

1). Ferrari in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off
2). James Bond’s Z3 in Goldeneye
3). Hummer in The Rock

<table style=“zoom:50%”></table>

  • i dig yellow cars :wink:

nice cars peepole! :thumb:

yea liam is right, the enzo is about 650,00 USD. i read theis in a a car mag. and that wasnt a enzo, that was a lamburgheni murcielago.

here are mine:
Bugatti EB 16/4 Veyron

bmw Z4 (32,000)

porsche carrera GT (400,00)

ford GT (125,000)