What kinda car do you drive/have

2002 cheevy malibu

2001 Honda CRV, V4 engine, but still gets 22miles per gallon.

97 saturn SL1 , V4, 27 miles to the gallon. :stuck_out_tongue:

i was gonna say something about alex in the first post, but i wanted to be nice :beam: :x

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**I had to give him a hard time, his car is just way better!! :run:

besides, Alex can take it; He’s been seasoned by all of us. :slight_smile:

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

i’m used to it by now:bad:


I drive a 2001 VW golf

Aren’t saturn engines inline or does the v in V4 stand for something else besides the cylinder configuration? Not to many V configurations placed in the east-west position, causes pitch and dive problems.

I ride a v 12, with lots of horsepower, as well as seating for about 30 people. My personal driver is quite cheap, (about 30$ a month) and picks me up even if its the middle of the night…

Yes, i ride the Bus.

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**I ride a v 12, with lots of horsepower, as well as seating for about 30 people. My personal driver is quite cheap, (about 30$ a month) and picks me up even if its the middle of the night…

Yes, i ride the Bus. **

His is even called…

wait for it…

“The Bus”

Not “Speedy Service” , or “Metro Trans” , or “Island Wheels” … but “The Bus”

serious. The Bus.


*Originally posted by paradox244 *
**Aren’t saturn engines inline or does the v in V4 stand for something else besides the cylinder configuration? Not to many V configurations placed in the east-west position, causes pitch and dive problems. **

every front wheel drive I’ve seen (that is what yer talkin’ bout, eh?) has been a V config type motor … got one out front now…

Oldsmobile 98 bro-ham, fwd v-8

also have: suburban (don’t say it rev…I often transport 8+ at a given time)
and a Dakota sle pick’emup truck thingy

and no, I don’t carry pics of my autos :sure:

I hate riding the bus. I’ve only done it once, once.

I met Jesus riding the bus.

Evidently, Jesus, for those of you who haven’t had the chance of meeting him, is a large African American Woman who rides the 38 Geary bus from DT to the Ocean each nite for hours…

Goes to show that you never know who you will meet on the bus…



lawday, lawday :!: … :wink:

No rev, your wrong, its called:

…wait for it…

TheBus… not : The Bus but TheBus…

I stand corrected.


the subtlety of Hawaiian humor still cracks me up…


Yeah, dontcha love’it?

it sounds just like Jeebus!


I remember calling it THeeeeBussssss…

as it passed right on by my stop without stopping…


Lol, yeah cuz if you dont stand up and wave to the bus driver, and make sure he notices that you want to get on his bus, he wont stop, hell no, he’ll just roll by!

sometimes even if you do get his attention, he will roll by…

next theBus in 45 minutes… hope you on Hawaii time…



Well, c’mon Rev.

Your an evil haole, thats why… You’ll probobly get on the bus, overthrow the bus driver… then establish an oligarchy with the other white people and only stop the bus where you want… then you will make the other passagers work for sub-standart wages in your “Window Cleaning Plantation” until they raise enough mony to get off the bus… :smiley: