What kinda car do you drive/have

1987 Toyota Corolla. its a beast

You drive a 87 corolla?! Is it a hatch? You don’t drift on anychance do you?

except its 4 door.
2004 cavalier… with NOTHING on it. im surprised I even have AC :smiley:

Everyone here sucks with the “nice little fast cars”, my Super Land Rover 71 modified owns all of ur cars!!! buaaaa!!! :krazy: :krazy: :krazy:

I drive the cleanist '93 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo you ever saw.
Here’s a pic

although its been few months now :slight_smile:

A 96 silver ford Taurus and a 99 white VW Jetta. The Jetta is a loaded piece of crap. It requires a visit to the dealership about every 6 months for some minor tweak. The Taurus is a family car but its good running beast that gets me to work on my 120 miles round trip drive to work everyday.

92 Suzuki Swift GSI

15 inch alloys
lowered 30mm
custom front grill
custom front lights
really dark metalic blue
:hugegrin: will post pict here soon.

Mom’s Saab 900 2.5 SE, year 96 or something…
Dad won’t let me drive his Volvo S80 :frowning:

not many into beamers i see :-s

I love BMW’s and one day I’ll be able to afford one, that Jeeps my first “real” car, you should have seen my other ones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Your Beemer is bad a**, it’s a toss up what’s better Mercedes or BMW, but I lean BMW most of the time.

Pimpin da daville :p:

edit: Jas…I am huge into BMW’s but just can afford one :thumb:

I’ll stick with my 172 bhp Clio and take £150 a month back on company car allowance and forego the BMW which I can probably whip off the line anyway well at least a 320 maybe a 325!

Would u guys believe i hav had 2 bmw’s till now and i bought them thinking they were brit make, lolz
was talking to voets today on msn and he cleared that its germen hahah, germen’z better i guess…I dont know the name of a single car which is orignal UK make, i am not much into cars so i wud’nt know anyway.


On comparing, id’ say bmw is better as i have never seen a bmw used as a taxi/cab but there are a lot of benz around.
Talking about 4X4’z, Benz M class is way too cute, i love that one, sply in black

@ Fester
Hey thats a nice car, definatly has fester written allover it, black is d color my man =), wherez the number/name plate :stuck_out_tongue:
I was in california, dc , nyc, maryland too a couple of yrs back…love those big american cars but no beamers (rare)
Now i have my heart on hummer, i saw one last month in dubai…whew long, there u go…a man is never satisfied, does’nt matter if u buy a beamer or hummer, never ending hunger i suppose.

Muaha, My lexus owns any beemer :stuck_out_tongue:

How do you people afford these cars! I make some decent money and am just now able to buy my Jeep, those beemers and lexuses are, like a billion dollars, do you rob banks during the day or something? Not that I’m jealous, I figure by the time I’m 35 I’ll be able to get my first Beemer. But that’s ten years from now…

lolz :stuck_out_tongue: , what about my soon to be hummer [size=1][color=silver](hopefully)[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#c0c0c0]& show me atleast one bmw used as a cab/taxi, i can show many lexus taxi’z :P[/color][/size]