What´s so great about a .pdf file.....?!?!

I don’t like it either. Loads waayyy too slowly, and laggs badly.

Where can you get Flashpaper DDD? (Macromedia.com?)

yeah MM,


you mean that reader loads my fonts, plugins and everything?

Oh, you have to pay, eh? EH??? Well nvm then lol.

i have used photoshop like 2 times:P maybe 3 only to test some brushes but that was becuzz my friend gave them to me:) but ya my life is based on fireworks! (offtopic: also php)

With the exception of the loading times of the reader, I have nothing against PDF. Like I mentioned earlier, I send most of my school-related work via PDF because that pretty much guarantees that the person on the other end sees what I am seeing.

the best and most sold feature of pdf format is it’s security of unedittable documents. If you have an important document to send, liek a contract or invoice, that you don’t want any chance of anything being changed against you, you send a pdf. I use them all the time for every document we have. It’s the standard for electronic documents becuase of what kirupa just stated about being compatible, but most of all because it is a secure way to send that info.

yep, pdf and adobe distiller for print is still the norm.

but i have to admit i’ve never use flashpaper…

im interested… never used flash paper… any insight for us. Whats its best feature, and what do you use it mostly for.

Wow, best thread in a while. I had always wondered the same thing, but never thought to ask (and was afraid you would all jsut call me a n00b for not knowing why pdf’s are always used). And it seems most people hate them… and then suddenly the tone changed… huh. I still dislike them, for the load time that was mentioned. When I accidently open a pdf from web I get so upset, I jsut want to close everything and start over, cause it takes forever and sometimes crashes me up.

well, I think I´ll give it a shot and make my desicion if it´s useful or not, the security reason its a plus definitely…

I like PDFs because:

  • there’s a free reader available on Windows, Mac and Linux
  • You can use fonts that are not available on the recipients machine
  • When the recipient prints them, they look like you intended
  • They’re fairly compact
  • They’re (almost) read-only

I use them to send out invoices electronically.

The Acrobat (not reader, editor) browser plug-in is great, any webpage I want to keep, hit one button & “save to pdf”. One file, everything in there. In long documents, you get page navigation with preview on the left, you can embed flash, images and even fonts so any platform, no matter what fonts installed, will be able to view (free reader) the file just as you designed it. The text in pdf’s is searchable (big plus!), just look at google results: some link to stuff INSIDE a pdf! The content i secure, can be anotaded, Acrobat also plugs itself into Word, so ease of use, one-click conversion…
If you still need more, browse these:

I think PDFs are great! I see many of you are not into print design which really why you cannot see the benifits of PDFs.

Since my company does alot of graphic print work, it really helps using them when we send our files to the printers. It makes the process faster and pdfs are pretty much going to be standard when sending your work to the printing presses. We usually make them with quark or indesign.

Hm… I think the adobe reader is very poor indeed… I have nothing against the format, but the gpdf viewer loads in an instant on my linux machine, while the adobe reader takes about 5 secs under windows :-/

read-only Make’s It harder to steal content… You have to type it over.

What he said ^^
It’s great for invoices =)

most people hate it but still most people use it.

(I’d say that most people that uses it (and that finds pdf useful) haven’t posted here… They are most likely in the print business, and are not spending their time on kirupaForum as we do :P)