What would you classify yourself as?

*Originally posted by Jasninder *
**I know from where u got the idea for this thread :stuck_out_tongue: **

so do Iā€¦

hehe good thread :wink:

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Designer without a doubt here.

I know enough AS to get by and add enough interactivity to make my movies interesting.

But I have always sucked at programming. **

Exactly! Especially when it comes to flash.

I do a lot more HTML based websites and designs than I do in flash for my personal business though.

Programmer here :wink:

I take pretty much the opposite of you SureShot - I know enough about design to get along, but Iā€™m much more a programmer.

Programmer here too :smiley:

wish i could design better then i might finish my site :stuck_out_tongue:

Now come on andrewsā€¦ You know I was going to do itā€¦ Anywaysā€¦ I was really intrigued to see what it really was like around hereā€¦ :slight_smile:

I donā€™t midn the copy over at FKā€¦ Iā€™d do it myselfā€¦ But Iā€™d rather stick to one forum instead of two. :slight_smile:

I classified myself as a Designer Programmerā€¦ Doing games and the such and sites when I can in Flashā€¦ Iā€™ve learned the tricks of the trade for all of them.

Butā€¦ If I need papers to classifiy myself as an expert or anything like thatā€¦ Then Iā€™ll alkways be an Ameteur Designer / Programmerā€¦ because I canā€™t afford the schooling to gte that high right now :slight_smile:

I think experience can be classified in this as wellā€¦ After so many years of working arou nd it and doing so many projects, you can classify yourself as an expertā€¦ :slight_smile: How bout it? :smiley:

Primarily designer. Although I find progamming very interesting I have found that I inhale profusely at it. :m:

Programmer ā€¦ Iā€™ve always had more interest in coding than in designing. I suck at designing, really.

I am a designer 120 %. Design runs through my vains.

ā€œI live to design, I design to liveā€


If Penn State didnā€™t suck and had a course in ActionScript, Iā€™d take it. But right now, I only know enough to get me by. Iā€™m more of a Designer.

Truthfully I have met very few people who are exceptional at both design and programming. I consider myself a developer. Because I know a few different facets of design and I am ok with programming (except AS, I just cannot get it for some reason) like ASP. But I would have to by far say design. My partner is mainly the programmer. Being a designer to me is also more than just PSā€¦so I guess it depends on what a designer is.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**A programmerā€¦ hands down.

Tweens and I donā€™t get along, we got in a bit of a tiff way back, havenā€™t worked with eachother since. **

LIB im agreeing with many of your posts today I:-)

im a designer at heart, but im getting really into scripting!!! its amazing what you can do with scripting, and the best thing is the difference in file sizes! Anyway, i should be able to learn more soon as i dont have to do html anymore (just hired a new html wizard for this and creating online stores!!!)


Iā€™d say I was a designer howevr over the last 2 - 3 months I have learnt a lot of actionscript so I could say Iā€™m an aspiring programmer but not yetā€¦

Well my curretn biz card for the company i work for my title is interactive developer, i do the design, animations and flash programming basically buttons and stuff and i create the Interactive CD-Roms as well as DVD with menus and all either for movies or a business presentation.

So i think i can classify myself as a desginer to answer the question on this post.

Im also a Certified computer engineer in terms of hardware and i got bfa in graphic arts, and an associates degree in business administration and proposal creation as well as an associates degree in computer networking the rest ive learned on my own, basically all my computer skills ive learned on my own and the certification classes have tought me nothing honestly i think experience is whats more important than a friggin piece of paper and most jobs ive gotten are because of my experience not my credentials.