What you think so far?

Just wondering ehat you guys think so far. Be sure to view it at its full size resolution 1024x768.:slight_smile:

click Here

It is awesome :slight_smile:


Lots of radial blur :beam:

very sweet sir.

Thanks guys. I just sat down and started trowing things on the canvas. It all came together by accedent. I still have some other little stuff to add to it.

I know it is kind of old school to use radial blurs and scan lines but the look so cool.

I’m humbled by yuor comments thank you:goatee:

Ah… oldschool is the way to go sometimes.

Just because it is oldschool doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be used :slight_smile:

I always use www.1001freefonts.com - it does exactly what it says on the tin.

Er… Non UK people might not get that reference…

I get it :slight_smile:

The best way to learn filters is to just throw them around a bit :slight_smile:

One can make a million different effects starting with the render->clouds filter… :slight_smile: