ok, because you have your MC (movieclip) in the OVER state then you can’t do what you want to do. take the MC out of the button and just place the button on top of the MC on the main stage.
dont use that tutorial, or whereever you got that code from. Its old outdated syntax. That is from Flash 4. I’ll make you a file… hold on a few seconds.
one day i’ll be just as smart as you
oke i’m going to try it now.
(another maby dumb question)
is it possible to have the name of a day posted in flash,
(so then i mean, like getSeconds, getMonth <— you will get a number, but can it also be the name of a month? like january?)
or do you have to programm it like:
if 1 then january.
if 2 the february.
I know i’m a noob :)… but i’m kind of intressted if its possible.
thnx alot, it works (alto i still not really know how you did it,)
i have swapt the movie you used with mine,
this way i got it to work.
if you ever able to write a short tutorial,
how you exactly did it.
i think alot of people would like it ( I would giggle giggle )
(also if you make a SWF file of the thing you made, and put it in a other movie it won’t work, you have to put in the 2 layers u used.) can you explain why?
(… sorry for taking alot of your time, so no prob if you don’t want to.)