Where is the "very disappointing" thread?

i bet someone deletes this tooo…to silence us.

*Originally posted by Syko *
**hay lava! Your footer is so friggin cool! Awesome man! :slight_smile: **

thanks… Although want to make the movement smoother… have to figure that out…
I kinda want to have that Spam club picture on it too… haha

wahat do you mean…it looks pretty **** smooth to me.

[swf=“http://www.geocities.com/fezzie1918/xxviii.swf height=400 width=450”][/swf]

that’d be cool if it wasn’t so annoying… haha.


so, what did you guys say after my last post on that last thread? I want to know what happened.

no ****ing clue…it just disappeared.

it was like

this my friends, this is censorship of the worst kind. preposterous.

eh… whatever… come spam in my forum pinx!

raf like my sig?

haha… that’s cool.