Yay for imaginary spoons
wtf are you lot on about? we all know that there is no spoon.
you spoon!
Look at all these cool words I made up…
And… Woo
I rock my own world
- Soul :s:
There’s a wooden spoon.
We know.
Soul has it. :beam:
yeah… d*mn ‘Ready Steady Cook!’ (losing) contestants! :beam:
That’s the awesome power of the spoon.
anyway… before this gets any more silly. I’m going to right an essay on how membership to the EU has affect British policy-making. or sleep. so there
I’ll leave you two to come up with your plans to bully me over the summer!
You made up mongol did ya?
do a google for that one
Now I come to think of it, wasn’t Bungle from Rainbow? He was the bear… George, Zippy and Bungle?
Fine! hmpf! everyone just ignore me!
Did anyone hear anything?
Nope, me neither.
Night asphalt.
i like cheese. oh and the thing or whatever it was, it looks great, lol.
jk, it really does look good, and the glow and inner shadow fit perfectly. btw pm your MSN to mee too! i will pm back
mongol’s are dogs
and bungle was the bear from Rainbow Kit
PS. Kit, do you and Soul know each other in real life
every post you 2 have is about 500 post long
they’re in love. it’s aaaaaaall about teh cyber
ooooooooooooo…k then
yeah, kit draws soul dirty picturesbut you didnt hear it form me
i am gone to have to post it again
ooooooooooooo…k then
“I have an idea… How about I give you a spoon so you can EAT MY ARSE!” - Steve Stiffler