Now that’s a cool pic! Real nice man!
Thanks :beam:
And cyber… no lol
Stop talking about me when I’m gone! :bad:
- Soul :s:
Anyone can look beutiful on 'tinternet…
you trying to say there ugly
Shouts for kit Ban him Kit… BAN HIM
Stop talking about me when I’m not around too!
it’s alllll about teh cyb0r
we were ‘discussing’ not talking… :trout:
Then stop discussing me when I’m not around to defend myself.
uhhhhh Bungle…
ever heard of Mr Bungle? I think they beat you to it Soul…
Mr. Bungle? Who the heck is MR. Bungle? The one and only Bungle that I care to acknowledge is this one:
He is teh d00d!
Mr Bungle is a band. Well was a band… ever heard of Mike Patton?
Nope. But we do know Rod Jane and Freddy.
Well Mike Patton has been in quite a number of bands… Faith No More, Tomahawk, Fantomas and Mr Bungle.
I’m sure there are more but I actually haven’t listened to much of those bands.
Anyway… naughty Soul for saying he invented it
“eeello ziiipppy” :beam: <-- looks remarkably like Zippy
I used to love Rainbow.
Anyway, we seem to have hijacked yet anotehr thread. I shall return it to it’s original theme.
It’s a very, very cool splash page. :beam: And the site is going to be even better.
yeah… if he ever gets round to it! :love:
Mr. Hypocrit :beam:
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Anyway, we seem to have hijacked… **
i would not say that out load
*** FBI storm Kit’s place ***
Ok so I didn’t make up Bungle! But I am the first person to put all those coolio words together! So :P:P
- Soul :s:
maaan, you didnt even make up coolio… so unoriginal
<-- i made up the word gription, use it, love it! (its like traction only way better!)