White Flame coming soon picture!

Now that’s a cool pic! Real nice man!

Thanks :beam:

And cyber… no lol

Stop talking about me when I’m gone! :bad:

  • Soul :s:

Anyone can look beutiful on 'tinternet…


you trying to say there ugly

Shouts for kit Ban him Kit… BAN HIM :wink:

Stop talking about me when I’m not around too! :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s alllll about teh cyb0r :wink:

we were ‘discussing’ not talking…:stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

Then stop discussing me when I’m not around to defend myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

uhhhhh Bungle…

ever heard of Mr Bungle? I think they beat you to it Soul…

Mr. Bungle? Who the heck is MR. Bungle? The one and only Bungle that I care to acknowledge is this one:

He is teh d00d! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mr Bungle is a band. Well was a band… ever heard of Mike Patton?

Nope. But we do know Rod Jane and Freddy. :slight_smile:

Well Mike Patton has been in quite a number of bands… Faith No More, Tomahawk, Fantomas and Mr Bungle.

I’m sure there are more but I actually haven’t listened to much of those bands.

Anyway… naughty Soul for saying he invented it :stuck_out_tongue:

“eeello ziiipppy” :beam: <-- looks remarkably like Zippy :smiley:

I used to love Rainbow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, we seem to have hijacked yet anotehr thread. I shall return it to it’s original theme. :slight_smile:

It’s a very, very cool splash page. :beam: And the site is going to be even better. :slight_smile:

yeah… if he ever gets round to it! :love:

Mr. Hypocrit :beam:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Anyway, we seem to have hijacked… **

i would not say that out load

*** FBI storm Kit’s place ***

Ok so I didn’t make up Bungle! But I am the first person to put all those coolio words together! So :P:P

  • Soul :s:

maaan, you didnt even make up coolio… so unoriginal :slight_smile:

<-- i made up the word gription, use it, love it! (its like traction only way better!)