White Flame!

lol! is there only one? why arent you at the bus stop…?

is it because you’re in yorkshire… :beam:

Yes… its because I’m in Yorkshire, there are only sheep and stone walls. Grrr :stuck_out_tongue:

Theres like hardly any buses because I decided to be different, as always, and didn’t go to the college which is 5 mins from me, I picked the one thats 45 mins way :beam: Theres a bus at 10.15, don’t let me miss it :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

aye, it’s grim oop North :wink:

If tha knows nowt, say nowt an appen nob’dy ‘ll notice. Bur if tha’s gor a bit er verse tha’d leek purrin’ up ere then wang it dahn t’post pipe reet nah.

Work that out b*tch :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I love it when he talks like that. :beam:

I did that as well - instead of going to one of the four schools near where I lived, I chose the one that was miles away. :stuck_out_tongue: My mum could have killed me. :slight_smile:

We won’t let you miss it. :love:

So, it’s come to this, 'as it? Ah’m not wanted any longer? Ah worked for thi dad, thi grandad and ‘is dad an’ all. Ah tell thi what lad, if Ah’d known this job weren’t going to be permanent, Ah’d nivver 'ahe tekken it on.

no sweat. did I forget to mention my mum was from oop North? :wink:

oh, and wrt the college thing - I did it too! 10 minutes away by bus… 1 hour 30mins by bus/tube/ma little legs :beam:

Us English like ta mek things complicated :wink:

Argh you’ve got me typing in yorkshire now, stop it! lol :P:P

  • Soul :s:

Bless. :slight_smile:

I like it, although it takes me a while to work it out. :stuck_out_tongue:

hey man, you started it! :slight_smile:

Right, Am off! <— eek :stuck_out_tongue:

See you guys later, I’m not missin this bus waves :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

hf! :stuck_out_tongue:

See you later. :love:

riiight… let’s see what other threads we can run amok in! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this one has been officially Englished. :slight_smile: And indeed Yorkshired too. :slight_smile:

hehehe :thumb:

<b>Slips into Chatham accent</b> Yooz lot, me luvvaz got un x r free innit, an itz a wun a dem conver’eebal wunz innit like…

Go figure that one out. :slight_smile:

oh god! … :slight_smile:

yeah, i get it… xr3? what car is that? :beam:

Lemme tell yooz all saink… That’s how we talk in Chatham. :slight_smile: We’ve got the most diabolical accent ever. :slight_smile:

And it’s an Escort. :sigh: They all drive them round here. And Nova’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol! I love saink! what a great word tbh :slight_smile:
enfield’s just as bad really. which is why I avoid leaving my house :beam: