White Flame!

I’ve tried to lose the Chatham accent, and it was alright when I was living in London. But now I’m back in Medway it’s re-emerging… :stuck_out_tongue:

I caught myself saying “daaahn taaahn” the other day…



Originally posted by Soul *
Update soon

Heh! Yeah, right. :wink:

I like your splash thingy too.

I am updating soon! Working on it right now as a matter of fact :P:P

  • Soul :s:

lies! :stuck_out_tongue:

When’s it going to be ready? :beam:

(Impatient Kit :slight_smile: )

alas another “coming soon” page…

like Alex’s “Coming Tuesday” marquee…



What’s wrong with one of them?

The site isn’t far off. :slight_smile:

we are just kidding Kit…

kinda protective of soul, huh?



makes me wonder “how soon?”

I’ve had a sneak preview. :slight_smile: Soon. :slight_smile:


Not yet…soon.

Soon :P:P

  • Soul :s:

See? Soon. :slight_smile:

/me hacks to get a sneaky peak :slight_smile:

this reminds me of “The Money Pit” with Tom Hanks…

whenever he asks how long to completion, the standard answer is 2 weeks…


Good luck, its not uploaded :stuck_out_tongue:

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