Whoa. there goes your job

if you are a flash developer. let me introduce you to your job killer.

“Super tool! What can I say? I created the most stunning flash site for myself in 10 minutes flat. And I don’t know a thing about flash!”

www. trendyflash .com

ok. first off if you are going to call yourself trendy flash, you should have some trendy flash stuff. cause be honest. this is trendy96flash stuff. 2nd, can you believe this program has 62k some-odd downloads from cnet.

i can see why people choose to buy designs and templates from templatemonster.com, i mean some of those designs are pretty dang slick. but these things… full window scaling, bevels, enough laying masks and flying objects to cause partial retardation.

what this site is a prime example of is… just do it. put things out there and people will buy it. don’t worry about all that making it pretty crap. just make a tool and people will buy it.

walks off to build a paint your own 18th century oil painting machine with 2 packs of duct-tape, 11 crayons and a remote control car.