Go at it guys, tell me what’s up!
great transitions. pretty neat. there are some point that im not too keen on:
- the red/purple gradient on the background
- the font and font color of the content (hardly readable)
and whats with the gallery. 1st thumbnail has a blue border, the rest red. the gallery looks fermiliar though … isnt that one of them free premade galleies?
Not bad at all, but why is it loading in another window and then just taking up a small part of the area? And please make a way for me to stop the music when it starts, not after all the loading has finally finished.
I’ll look into the font and the color.
The gallery is from FlashRelief:
I paid 20 bucks for it. I think it’s pretty worth it.
As for the sounds, yes you’re right, I do need to have a button to turn off the music, hehehe. Thanks again.
My PC is crackin’ on a bit (XP1800) but it ran pretty slow for me - like 12 fps
I think it was an alright site, it was very pc intense even for my work computer … don’t actually know why it seemed that way because by the looks of it, it didn’t look like it should take up so much processor … who knows.
the look was good, but maybe a little too much stuff all around the site itself…?? just thoughts.
I really like the site… the product I think is silly.
This is one occasion where I really liked having the music. I think it goes well with the design, the product, and the transitions.
I’m going to have to vote in favour of the purple-red gradient, but it’s a little too compressed at the bottom. Maybe make one of the colors less saturated, make the gradient fade slower, and darker.