Win XP New Information Bar blocks Flash...?

Hi guys!
I just installed the new Windows XP Service Pack 2 on my machine
and it is such a pain in the neck!

Any of the websites that I visit now with flash or any active x content
are blocked by this ANNOYING info bar at the top that you have to click
to disable every freaking time you load the page!

Does anyone know what is up with this?
The security controls for IE cannot be lowered under MEDIUM …won’t let you!
And thus … you can’t do anything ! UGH! Anyone know how to deal with this?

I mean, I guess we all want to keep the Service Pack, but not with these
annoying side effects!

Btw, it also changes your Network Connections panel look…
It makes it “easier” … I liked it better before. More control.
Now it looks … Appleish. gasps

Oh, and you better have a firewall, an antivirus and automatic updates
all installed and enabled, otherwise it tells you to get them turned on in
the system bar…



I will tell you how… Kill IE and use Firefox. IE is retarded anyways =)

P.S. someone reply to my event dispatcher problem thread! =(

Yeah, kill it. Make sure it’s dead.
Is SP2 uninstallable ? If so, uninstall away !

I installed Service Pack 2 and yes, it really is a pain in the neck. I got it uninstalled anyway. It hangs my pc every now and then.

eeek. yea i had to uninstall it . it’s just unlivable with… :slight_smile: