Read this article by Quasimondo, and then rethink your site if you’re used to presenting the content in a pop-up window!
Thought this was so important I also featured it on my site…
Kirupa, as you’ve SP2 beta installed, could you test this by any chance…?
If it opens a new window, it can be blocked. If you’re talking about the tricky CSS layering transparent things that appear to be pop-ups, then those can’t be stopped because they don’t open new windows.
It seems like you guys are looking at it from your view only. You are users that want it your way. I respect that. lol Its easy for you to say …“Hey just use in page ads.” But fact of the matter is that popups and unders can genreate about 5 times more revenue than banners typically. A greedy person is one that will compain about a pop from a site and spend 10 minutes on it sucking your bandwidth. I look at stats I know the deal. Also pop UNDERS which I serve are really not that intrusive. They pop UNDER. On top of that many publishers use them in addition to in page banners. For Microsoft to “debo” the market and practically render that ad format which is a top revenue earner for many web publishers useless is wrong in principle. Dont get me wrong I agree that going with strictly in page ads are the better. (we are moving towards selling our own targeted ads and moving away from all pops unless they are targeted or our own promos), but the fact is that this action by M.S. is bigger than just banning “annoying pops” its about something larger. Its about M.S. crunching the small guy publishers that may need the revenue.
this is not microsoft saying, “we feel like getting rid of popups to squeeze the small guy”, it’s microsoft listening to the public that demands popups begone. and while unders are less intrusive, they’re still obnoxious.
and personally i love what microsoft’s doing b/c it’s a lot of those “small guy publishers” out there that have those **** popups that want you to install random programs and are just completely obnoxious about it. for those who know a fair amt. about computers it’s not too tough to avoid those, but for your average joe, they can be a real pain and cause nothing but problems (hence why there’s an increasing demand for popup blockers).
popup blocker: about about 968,000 google results
popup adds: 376,000
block popups: 251,000
kill popups: 230,000
102 popup blocker softs on tucows
139 on zdnet…
MS’s is free, can be disabled. If everyone was ok to see pop’s, up or under, why would there be so much interest in stoping them…? The users on your site that want to see will still be able to and keep on sucking your bandwidth… hey, if you don’t want them to, do not serve any!? Do you feel it’s ok to provide a pop with a link “click here to close this…” which goes fullscreen when you do? That’s lying to novice users, and that’s what blockers are here for: get rid of this kinda stuff. If you can get the functionality for free by updating your OS, even the better. All about respect, same as in your t&c, saying you can opt out of stuff, instead of an opt-in choice…
Hope you’re glad now, got a click on your pop-UNDER from me
Nice site btw…