Is anyone else using it?
I just finished installing it and I’m just playing with it now. My impressions so far:
[]Doesn’t appear any faster/slower than Windows 7. Will see once I’ve installed everything I use.
[]It’ll probably be nice with a touchscreen, but with a traditional mouse/keyboard setup the metro UI is really annoying. Simple things that I used to do all the time (i.e. open up my computer or search for a program) take twice as long since the start menu is gone.
[]You learn very quickly to try and avoid pressing the start key at all, since the whole desktop will be covered in the Metro UI, which like I mentioned is just plain pointless for a keyboard+mouse setup.
[]Having a taskbar on both screens is great.
[]The new task manager has a lot more info which is always good.
[]The new Explorer looks unecessarily complicated - what was wrong with the old one?? I’ll reserve my judgement on this for now, I might prefer after a while.
[*]The metro UI itself has some weird quirks. For example when you scroll it scrolls all the scrollable areas on the page, not just the area your hovering over.
[/LIST]Not particularly impressed so far.