Im in a real bad mood 'cos I cant get my wireless network to, well be a network. Anyone know a good site for trouble shooting on networks? Hopefully it will give me a mood lift, I have searched the web but nothing.
Try http://www.hardforums.com, their good with hardware and such.
Even though it is a little more tedious to set up a wired network (as opposed to wireless) I recomend it because unless you have a firewall (which is annoying as hell) wireless networks can be more easily accessed by any hacker. Or at least, thats what my dad says and hes a bigger computer geek than me.
What kind of wireless netowork are you setting up? 802.11b, 802.11g?
It depends on what technology you’re using, and what frequency you’re running on. If you’re running on 2.4GHz frequency, there could be a lot of interference from household appliances. Cordless phones are the worst. So there’s a chance that’s messing up your network.
Also, what kind of OS are you trying to hook up?
Keith, get me the info, and I’ll be able to help you out a little better
Right, its 802.11b im using just now, it is running on 2.4 and I do have 2 DECT (Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telephones) in my room,so I have taken the mains out to try and configure it. Both my desktops are Win XP and my Clie is Palm OS5. On the desktops I have Linksys Instant Wireless USB Network Adapters and the WAP im using is a belkin one, the Clie uses the PEGA-WL110 CF card. Is that any help?
[COPPERTOP] I did think about a wired netwrok but then the cable would have to run throught the mainly used hallyway, then I considered the walls but my parents wouldnt trust me with any power tools, so I guessed I had to choose wireless [/COPPERTOP]
well i havent networked the PC/Mac yet but can you connect to the net? teh phones are gonna be hell, ditch em and get a lower feq if you can. otherwise i dont know what to do. i had some troubble setting up my wireless but now it works fine, if you can connect to the net, we cant help even more from there.
Keith, man - those phones have got to go … you might not be able to connect because neighbors’ phones might be interfering with your systems too - gotta keep that in mind.
Are you certain all your devices are 802.11b compatible? If you’ve got any mixture of devices on there it’s going to default to the slowest transfer speed.
You should run the networking wizard on Windows XP, and then take the disk to the other desktop … there’s some configuring that you have to do, but it should at least detect the WAP
Keep posted with how things go
Well I like the Belkin WAP because it’s got a huge range, but I dont know if that is throwing it, Im going into twon today and ill try to get a Linksys WAP, any suggestions on what to get? I cant really ditch the phones thought as I have the two wireless base stations in my room and one is soon to be buisisnes line and the other is for the rest of the family.
I have ISDN and the line into my computer is USB how would I connect that to a wireles router?
If you can’t get rid of the phones, you’re going to experience problems for sure. If you NEED them, I guess you don’t have much of a choice, except to try and move them to a different room on the other side of the house if you can.
I don’t want to say that all WAPs are the same, but they really all do much the same thing, so just make sure you get one that will run with 802.11b
I haven’t dealt with ISDN before, but I’m pretty sure it’s an RJ-45 connector on it, and you can plug that right into the WAP and share the connection wirelessly.
Again, try that netowork wizard with XP and see if you can’t get it to work.
To connect I first need to dial a number though, the router wont do that so how would I sort it?