like “snap to pixel”?
Componenets are evil they boost up your file size and bust your preloaders as well as permit the user not to learn more and make them rely on componentsto do the job when they could jsut spend a little time and actually learn how to do it themselves, i just dont like em im not saying that you shouldnt like em
Senocular: Yup… Only reliable.
Yes, you can get a transparent movie in IE.
How ?
Voetsjoeba: here
you all make very good suggestions, and i’d like to see some of them in the next flash. but this is my MAIN complaint right here:
Flash has terrible options for standalone players and .exe’s. I think they really need to work on that area. right now as it is, you are pretty much forced into using a 3rd party software to do a lot of things that should be possible through flash IMHO. i am working with Northcode’s SWF Studio, which is a wonderful little program, but it really burns my buns that I had to buy it in the first place to do something I was shocked Flash didn’t do.
see an old thread here for a complete list of my complaints and some info about 3rd party options
if you see that, you will know that i spent a LOT of time on these issues, time that could have been better spent if a. there was better documentation on this stuff and b. Flash handled standalones a little better.
if you don’t feel like reading that whole big thing, then lemme make a small list of the features i think would be most reasonable, and also vital.
- allow flash to open a file with it’s default program
- allow flash to send variables from a form into a formatted email in their default email program
- allow users to click on a mailto: link to open default email program
- change the title bar in the exe to say something other then “Macromedia FlashPlayer”
- make a noresize feature, where, if a user resizes or fullscreens the exe, the content will stay true to its size and just sit in the middle.
then there are others that would be fun, like~
- allow flashers to make custom icons for the exe
- autocreate an “autorun.ini” file for cds (although that’s easy to do by hand, it would be nice)
- allow an exe to act as a browser and be able to open web docs
*Originally posted by *
**better trace bitmap feature, it always crashes my flash. **
oh yeah. and it should also do my dishes. heh
Golgi you can make your own icon for a cdrom ive done it myself you just need a ico file which you could do in photoshop with little plugin called icon factory, the mailto thinkgy i dont understand because i always get it working once you click the link it opens the default email app so i dont understand this one, the autorun is very simple to create on your own so thats no hassle.
Other than that yeah the other things you said are valid what i would really like is better pc & mac integration it a pain exporting a hqx file from a pc and gettin it to work on a mac without copying all the files directly to your macs hd :-\
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**Golgi you can make your own icon for a cdrom ive done it myself you just need a ico file which you could do in photoshop with little plugin called icon factory, the mailto thinkgy i dont understand because i always get it working once you click the link it opens the default email app so i dont understand this one, **
well, i can create icons in a few icon programs i have, that’s not the problem. but how would you get it to be the icon for the program? like, i can do it with SWF studio. but is there a way to do it regular? basically, if you have your custom icon, i want it to display in the program title bar, the taskbar, and the windows bar down below, as well as the program itself. (instead of the macromedia “S”)
also, i think the mailto works on some puters and not others. it was a while ago when i had this problem, so don’t quote me on this, but i’m pretty sure there’s a Windblows thing or something, that doesn’t work reliably.
It needs to have vertical dynamic text boxes! I wanted that for a counter a while back but it doesnt work so baisicly the same as the first post, better dynamic text handling! Is anyone gonna give this to macromedia or are we all just gripring about the problems in it?
*Originally posted by redGolgi *
3. allow users to click on a mailto: link to open default email program
I was quite shocked to find that it didnt support this link when I made my school site! It was very annoying
I was wondering what they were gonna call the next editions of all their software 'cos I thought that MX had a sort of * Crem de le Crem* sort of sound to it. The same with stuff like Windows XP etc… So does anyone have an idea?
I’m not getting this either… The mail thing does work. You just enter the and when the user clicks it it opens the default mail prog…
What are you trying to do?
mailto: works in a regular flash site, or anything that’s veiwed in a browser, like a swf opened with your browser, or embedded in html, but it doesn’t work from a standalone exe. like, if you publish it as windows standalone (exe) it doesn’t work. so i’m talkin strictly in a standalone. although, like i said, i think it might work sometimes for some people. it’s wishy-washy. some kind of OS conflict.
Ahaaa… Can’t remember if I’ve tried it in a standalone. Hehe… I really didn’t understand what you guys were going on about there for a minute…
But even though, you know that if they do make this true they are going to smack it on a CD and call it “DevFlash Fixes” or something and charge 300$ for it. that’s what’ they’ve been doing lately it seems.
Golgi it does work on a stand alone player, i made a multimedia cdrom and i tested it i windows 98, win2k, winxp, Mac OS 9.2 and Mac OS X and it works fine from the standalone player so i really dont know why youre having problems with this
Golgi - As For the icon you have to get a .exe (dunno for macs) builder/ressource explorer which enable you to check all the ressources of .exe file and change some of them -> you can change icons, cursors of flash mx and strings from the menus…
Im not sure wether or not they are legal, since you change some of the original stuff…
what i would change with new flash MX:
- handling of all type of JPG encodings…
- better handling of loading (chose when sound loads etc…)
- enable right clickin links (ie Save As/copy link target)
- better code scrambling to protect against reverse engineering, even though i know software exists for that…
- improved transparency options, ie a skinnable standalone player/ with any shape
…much more…