Hey guys.
I couldn’t find this posted yet, so I thought I’d like to get some opinions on what we all wish for in the next release of Flash.
Of the top of my head, one feature screams at me: Improved handling of text!
I’ve busted my knuckles over textissues in Flash more often than anything else. If it isn’t blurry pixel fonts, it’s special characters in dynamic textfields.
flash mx is fine as it is, now if they can incorporate better shape tween handling because those blasted shape hints dont cut it, and maybe a 3d engine and better playback and performance on macs since its so slow you cant have a decent website on both OS, i made this website http://www.expocaribbean.com on a mac and it runs fine on the mac but on the pc its too friggin fast and looks real stoopid, serves them right for not using a pc at work lol
Yeah that’s one thing I don’t like about flash. It’s extremely slow on macs and blazing fast on PC’s. Don’t get me wrong though, I like macs, but this slowness with flash drives me crazy somtimes.
i really don’t see why is everyone requesting a 3d-engine… that’s what Director’s there for… if flash had native support for 3d the player would be heavy to download and install… just a thought
i agree on the mac thing though, swf’s run ridiculously slow on them
Greatest wish of 'em all: TEXT ! It’s become impossible for me to use a pixel font now. It ALWAYS turn into blurry or the user doesn’t have that dont or it doesn’t matter what I do, it just doesn’t work. Argh.
I agree on the shape tweening - no matter how careful I am with shape hints and all, 99.9% of the time it still goes wonky and twists itself into weird shapes.
yeah, my main two are shape tweening and text. text: should have the non-anti-alias (is that just alias? :)) option so that photoshop pixel fonts actually work. less blurry non-pixel fonts as well (esp when using small sizes). and shape tweenin - ALWAYS comes out totally wrong… and the shape hints are bloody useless
I totally agree about the text. It really P*sses me off when people dont use text correctly. Its either too blurry or just plain too [SIZE=1]small[/size].
Another thing i think would be cool it a module that helps you build flash websites. Kinda like a drag and drop with a wizard. It could automatically create the action script, then all you would have to do is make slight adjustments to it, instead of writing an entire new code each time.
…But then again, that could be bad i suppose. People would have less motivation to learn Actionscript.
(BTW, i havn’t read the rest of this thread, so sorry if i’ve repeated anyone)