Wishlist for Flash MX II

I wouldn’t mind a couple (not all mind, just a couple) of my favourite Photoshop filters that I could apply to my vector work. :beam:

Even if flash interfaced with photoshop, if you had it. That would be kind of cool. A common file feature or whatever, with dynamic changing of each.

Yeah… Just afew of the rendering filters would be so helpful. :slight_smile: Or the layer options, like Multiply and Screen, those would be great. :stuck_out_tongue:

Flash Filters! thats a cool idea. You could add a load of distortion filters, like when you motiontween an object, distort it as if it were moving underwater! Or add lens effects, or mirror options. That would be cool. Maybe They could add effects like in various gif animaters (like a light shining through text or dissolving effects etc…)

I could go on about this for hours…

Some predefined code like for background music control, transitions, …

And, the next version of Flash should just do everything for you… You don’t even have to use your keyboard of mouse, you just speak into the mic and tell it what you want and it just does it.
And have one of those helpful paperclip guys…

No! No paperclips! :stuck_out_tongue:

some sort of mind control probe. You just imagine the site and WHOOMPH its there.

better Pixal surport

and the ablity to have a transparent background;)

It’s possible to have transparent backgrounds, but only on PC based internet explorer. I don’t think it works on Mac internet explorer.

Yes, you can get a transparent movie in IE. :slight_smile:

yeah i no

but i would be nice if it worked on ALL cpu’s

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I agree on the shape tweening - no matter how careful I am with shape hints and all, 99.9% of the time it still goes wonky and twists itself into weird shapes. **

Yeah i agree, though found that you need to place the tweens clockwise based on your shape, and you have to set the start and finish shape tweens individually, so you need to set “a” start position then go to the new shape and set the “a” end position before you start on the “b” shape tween.

:::: wishlist:::

Totally agree with a new type system. Also like the idea of filters with flash, (vector filters like illustrator has).

:: thats all for now.

Okay… Since everybody agrees with me on the textissue, I’m going to elaborate a bit on it.

  1. Aliasing of small font-sizes!

  2. Snap textfields to integer X and Y (So as not to blur them).

  3. A new and improved scrollbar that: Does’nt take foreeeever to skin.
    Actually updates itself when text is loaded into it’s textfield without having to be tricked to do so.

  4. Better support for special characters in dynamic textfields. I went through hell the first time I wanted to dynamically load text in norwegian because Macromedia has elaborated so little on this issue.

Furthermore I’d like to see native importing from Photoshop layers, Better handlig of Illustrator transparancies, and of course I expect the upgrade to be free for anyone who bought Flash MX. :stuck_out_tongue:


A men!

some really good ideas there

i don’t no how to make custom scrollers (well i do:) ) but if i didn’t i would agree with you on the skining thing

it take SO long to do then you want to change it and…AHHHHHHHHH!!!:angry:


Flash filters would be more along the lines of FreeHand. Flash isnt exactly meant to be a vector tool in terms of making images as it is a medium for providing fast online content. Its hard to cram features into it without Flash becoming bloated. Sure, many of them could be nice, but they could be harmful overall as well making flash bloaty and slow.

As for 3D, thats in Director/shockwave’s hands now.

Text kind of follows suit with the bloat. You just need to know what you’re doing. The problems lie in the way Flash handles text - that being a resourceful and ‘light’ manner, attempting to reduce filesize where possible etc. If you know how Flash deals with that, you’re fine with text in Flash.

Same applies with preloaders. Its jsut a matter of knowing how its handled. So many people have so many problems with it

… that being said, though, theres an obvious breakdown somewhere, either in Flash’s explanation of how it does/handles things or the techniques involved in implementing them. Certainly there is room for improvement.

… the obvious improvements are the bug fixes. Other than that Im content.

also see

I don’t know if adding .ra would be a good idea… At least not if I need real player to play it. I don’t like Real Player and do not have it installed on my system. I would almost say that .ogg support would be a better idea, but what do I know. =0)


I guess you dont know what a component is. Anyways no matter i never use em i like to know how things work, its what diferentiates a real webdeveloper from your average joe trying to make websites and selling them for very ridiculous prices and busting the market. So thats not a good idea if you ask me but you can never compare a person who actaully knows what hes doing to a peson whos just using predefined stuff, JMHO.

Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**I totally agree about the text. It really P
sses me off when people dont use text correctly. Its either too blurry or just plain too [SIZE=1]small[/size].

Another thing i think would be cool it a module that helps you build flash websites. Kinda like a drag and drop with a wizard. It could automatically create the action script, then all you would have to do is make slight adjustments to it, instead of writing an entire new code each time.

…But then again, that could be bad i suppose. People would have less motivation to learn Actionscript.

(BTW, i havn’t read the rest of this thread, so sorry if i’ve repeated anyone) **

I’m not sure I totally agree with you there Senocular. I know there are ways around the Text-issues in flash, but I feel that some of the problems could be avoided with some simple features that needn’t bloat the program at all. Like a “snap to integer X Y” function which would rid us of spending so much time trying to place the textfields correct when nested through several MC’s.

I do agree that a lot of problems would be solved with better documentation. I spent a lot of time solving my “special characters”-problem although when I look at it now it really wasn’t that complicated. If the documentation had been more accessible or even a feature built into the dynamic textfield dialogue to use codepage for UTF-8 text that would havbe saved me a lot of time…


And GrimDeath:

Components are friggin marvelous. :slight_smile: It’s great to be able to save my frequently used work as files that are available from the components panel. I love them.
