Post 137

Alright guys, i can’t wait any longer.
Post 137 was supposed to be my deadline to get back into Flash after a couple months without it. I was planning on making some huge (not big, but grand) footer but that didn’t make it in time cause i’m so itching to reply to all the posts. Anyway, my plan for world domination (yes, the overthrow of PJ) is to make some sort of flash website (for all the veterans, how many times have i said that) hopefully with some tutorials involving physics now that my knowledge of math and such has been improved thanks to College. But before I do anything further, I need some opinions. As seen above, I have a poll. I can’t decide whether to use Flash 5 or MX. I love 5, sort “hate” MX because of lack of space, but hey, that’s what I said about Flash 5 when I was still using 4. Anyway, tell me which you prefer/use and the world domination shall begin.

its more than overthrowing PJ, me too! MWAHAHAHA! (We are running together) PUNCH #10!

i prefer mx
because thats what i have

i don’t understand how you can even contemplate using an inferior product…i mean the actionscripting in MX is much more advanced than in 5…personally i luv the new workspace…it sorta grows on you =)

the space issue with Flash MX, can be dealt with by using the tab button. it clears away all the windows, and allows you to work in a larger space. Tab again brings the windows back… Flash MX rocks my sock… :slight_smile:

I have only used MX, so I say MX.

I hear MX is a great deal better than 5 in the coding scheme.

*Originally posted by Majeye *
**the space issue with Flash MX, can be dealt with by using the tab button. it clears away all the windows, and allows you to work in a larger space. Tab again brings the windows back… Flash MX rocks my sock… :slight_smile: **

just like in PS…i’m glad they use similar keys…makes evreything easier to remember =)

well, i guess the majority has spoken. time to find the money to buy MX. oh and btw,


i’d say 10-0 is pretty decisive…wouldn’t you :q: Shell out the money!! =) merry christmas to you as well thorp

This is going to be sweet, the great thoriphes back into action.