Woo... first bit of spam to slip through gmail's filter

I was quite surprised to see this in my inbox…

Scott Andrews
UBS,United Kingdom

I am Scott Andrews from the world’s premier international private bank,UBS United Kingdom.This request may seem strange,but I do hope you view it seriously as I am convinced that you will be capable of providing me with a solution. There is this funds which is to the tune of Nine Million United States dollars Which has been floating in this bank since 2000 after the death of the true owner of the account Dr David Clemetson, he lost his life in the plane crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which crashed on January 31st 2000 with his entire family.

I came across his file while I was auditing the private investment accounts in UBS,United Kingdom and I found out that nobody has showed up for the claims on behalf of the Late Dr.David Clemetson as his next of kin.
I have been monitoring this account since I discovered this information. After much thought, I have concluded to contact you as a result of my extensive search through the internet to execute this transaction with me. On acceptance of this offer I will instruct you on the steps to claim this asset left behind by late Dr.David Clemetson, so that the funds can be transfered to your account.
On confirming your interest and co-operation, I will give you the guide lines on how you can transact with the bank for the approval of the claims to be transferd to your account.
After the transfer has been made,The sharing of the funds is 45% for me, 35% for you,20% for the homeless people in our society.
As soon as I receive your response,i will give you more details and send copies of every document required as we proceed.I await your honest response.

With Regards,
Scott Andrews
UBS,United Kingdom