
woot at t-shirt design comp. Im in!

Yeah - it seemed like in the suggestions in Random, most of the members wanted T-shirt designs. Another group was complaining about lack of user participation in battles, etc. I figured this would be the best method to solve both of the problems members have been having =)

Smart thinking!

I am in…woohoo

yea this is cool

Ugh… I hate designing anymore… Can I be a judge for ****s and giggles?

Hey K man is this the Christmas gift you are giving us? Can this be a bonus and another contest for Christmas with really really nice prices like … oh Studio MX 2004 or Adobe CS or Plasma? Just a thought! hahahha :slight_smile:

haha already got studio mx 2004 lol i beat ur asses lol erm anyway im gonna post my entry its liable to change though i think i hope u can zoom in on it otherwise ull think its **** lol

<–agrees with comic geek :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: or how about this baby

I cant wait to see the final products. Good luck everyone and have fun.

I will be one of the judges for this contest. I am looking forward to see the new creations:)