Would you like to see these as tutorials?

That is really cool Jubba :slight_smile:

I took my own little twist on it and created this though.

Click To View My Version

It is a bit buggy sometimes if the text you enter is smaller than the text on there though. I will worry about that later.

thats not bad Lib!

On the button, before you put the script that creates the MCs, put a for loop that removes the MCsā€¦that will get rid of the buggy text MCs. Nice twist tho. :slight_smile: Iā€™m working on editing Guig0 script to make it a little easier to customize.

Guig0: Your script is great, I just need to figure out how to change it the way I plan on using it so people can easly customize how many buttons there are and such without having to drag more buttons onto the stage. Iā€™ll let you know when Iā€™m done. :slight_smile:

Cool lib and jubba!

jubba: go go go!

canĀ“t wait to see what will come up!

[EDIT]jubba: if you want I can send you the files of the tut that I was working on. Maybe You can use something[/EDIT]


Jubba, have you noticed that the alpha fade effect of your file only happens in the x axis, and in determined points?

In my file has a better (but no fully functional yet) code that calculate the distance of the element to another element (in that case the next one, but could be any given element) using basic geometry calculation. check it out (delta x, delta yā€¦)


Nice one, Lost. As a matter of fact this is more what I had in mind. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone. Yeah I figured the for loop thing Jubba :slight_smile: I had to go at that moment so I couldnā€™t work on figuring it out just then :slight_smile:

Ok, I fixed the problem now :slight_smile:

Click To View the Updated Version

It should work fine now (or you might have to clear your temp internet files first, I didnā€™t, but who knows).

Nice LiB!

Thanks for the code Jubba :slight_smile: I am having a lot of fun playing around with it :beam:

[edit] Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the last version allowed for a tab index. You have to click inside flash first, but you can use Tab to get back to the text box instead of clicking.[/edit]

Guig0: are you using Flash MX or Flash 5? Just curiousā€¦

flash mx.

I wanted to apologize, but there is going to be a 4-5 day delay in my production of the tutorials. I gave my computer to my friends to upgrade and fix, and they a bit backed up because of the holiday season. I will have these tutorials out sometime next week. :slight_smile: Iā€™ll keep you postedā€¦

<div style=ā€œwidth: 250; Filter: FlipVā€>I am the besterest spammer in this forum.</div></TD>

im just testing somethingā€¦

There is a test section for that kind of thing :wink: