"wow" kind'a site


kicks a55:beam:

about 10mb’s of flash animations, but worth seeing!

very nice indeed, it was posted here recently too. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah - but a bit cpu intensive- and one helluva loading time - methinks… And sadly, i dont speak korean. But it looks cool ! Nice bots…

these robots are cool and the tree is awesome!

lol the site gos slow on my PC like EG`s site :frowning:
Im bord of this crap pc. But I Love the site dam they work hard on that.

I guess I should state on my splash page, “Best viewed at your local computer store on a fast computer.” :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate it when it says

requerments :-

Pentium 4++++++++ !!! are you crazy what do you mean +

I mean I dont think P2 is good enof to open ur site but it did :slight_smile:
maybe change it to Pentium 2 + thats better :hangover:

Of course it will open on a p2, but it will be slow as hell though…

That’s why I stated “Best viewed with.”

Oh noo :frowning:

you are right :trout: