thats not seb!!
i am gonna leave and come back after 2 days and see who still rmeains as a mod!!
congrats seb…I voted you in for the pure laugh factor. And we always needed a wild card mod. Hope you enjoy your new found powers
thanks DDD! but plz believe in me! i need eveerymods back
sry for the bad spelling… i’m just happy
now! why are there two seb hughes?, try sending a PM to seb, while u type it will show two seb hughes
because vBulletin takes a while to merge them, so that it’s not as processor intensive…
[whisper]According to Kirupa[/whisper]
Oh, I thought it was just a space. You’re right.
hey guys just stop spamming plz… just need back up here nothing more thx.
wth? u deleted my post?
WTF? He’s not a restricted mod? He can post in the mod forums?
note the lack of bold
As I said… when you’re modded, there is another duplicate user that is merged with your old one, that is removed after an hour or so. I’m not sure if I can trust this though… it came about of the mouth of Kirupa (or more the hands).