No no no…
Don’t eat guig0… Eat trout… it’s good for you…
sits and makes another fire
La de da da da…
puts a couple trout on a grill type material and starts grilling em…
No no no…
Don’t eat guig0… Eat trout… it’s good for you…
sits and makes another fire
La de da da da…
puts a couple trout on a grill type material and starts grilling em…
see phil? Nice grilled trout! hmmmmmm:+)
You don´t need to eat me, playa is a great cook, he is fixing you a dinner to remember!:beam:
wanna a gravy with this:q:
stands back and does an impersonation of Emeril Lagassi…
picks up some salt and pepper in his figners and
Could ya pass me the margarine there guig0?
::whispers to playa::[SIZE=1]playa phil is not drooling in my general direction anymore, he is even talking to other ppl now[/SIZE]
hands margarine to playa
How on earth I´m gonna flash? I know I´m not any good at it, but I like it sooo much
drops a bag full of trouts on playa´s grill
** kicks the margarine and replace with some extra quality brazillian-butter**
What about a brazillian barbeque? It is way better that the one you know… hun?:beam:
so not only is Phil a dork, but he’s a cannibal too? ahhhh!!! :o
what about rump roast
LMAO!!! Did you make that Phil??? That’s hilarious!! hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahha:beam: :o (-: :beam:
No… That’s the square of kirupaville that guig0 made… Check out the topic at the top of this section of the forums and you’ll see it again…
But yeah… Nice grilled trout for ya buddy…
removes left arm and throws it on the grill…
I can still do lotsa things with one arm… So I’ll be allright…
buttes up the flaming arm with some nice brazilian barbeque
you know, as jubba might have said: I suck monkey butts on flash (and pretty much everything else), so, I need both arms to suck less :chinaman: : :geek:
And yes that picture came to me in a dream, or a vision, and I have no other choice than make it :crazy: the title is provisory, in time it will change to kirupaville´s bane
too funny, we should have the kirupaville pig award for the funnies comment, flash, or pic in the month. Off course that you will win everytime, but it will be phun to watch:P
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
this is so phunny and sad. your phirst post and you are forced to having to ask about trout…??
This is ALL Maks fault, and we should make him answer.
Welcome to KirupaVille Max…! :P:P Glad to have you here, how is it you found us?
how is it my fault…i mention trout and look what happens…look at this thread now…cannibalism, pigs with human smiles, trouts etc etc …all i because i mentioned guig0 as a human sacrifice? no way…you won’t pin this one on me Phil…its all you this time
Originally posted by Phil Jayhan
Why just the other day my girlfirend came out, dressed only in saran wrap…And I said; “All for me…?” And she just said, No, and picked up her car keys and left the house. No respect at all.
LMFAO…wtf was she doing in saran wrap? and where did she go? could she be …seeing someone else? maybe Rev? maybe she went to MargaritaVille to do the same thing you were doing there? why am i asking all these questions? on a serious note…Phil , arn’t you like 40? shouldn’t you be getting married soon? don’t you need a lifetime partner? i mean …even though you have us…you need human companionship for life no?
i think eminems lyrics in Dead Wrong summarieze my feelings on this issue
There’s several different levels to Devil worshippin: horse’s heads,
human sacrifices, canibalism; candles and exorcism
Animals havin sex with 'em; camels mammals and rabbits
But I don’t get into that, I kick the habit - I just,
beat you to death with weapons that eat through the flesh
And I never eat you unless the ****in, meat looks fresh
guig0…i found the perfect smiley for you and Phil
HAHAHAHAHAHA…you turned Phil into a monster and he is going to EAT YOU
that smiley rox!
That smilie is the greatest…
And it’s allright… I don’t use my left arm anyways…
Just kind-a gets in the way…
Did it tase scrumdidlyumptious Phil?
Not my left arm… But my right arm is like… 3 times bigger from bowling… You wouldn’t like it very much… it wouldn’t be as tender…
If you ever feel like going ona rampage again for human parts… Just ask… I’ve been dying to get rid of a leg… lol
Everybody knows that you can´t eat human flesh
[SIZE=1]without the human gravy :P[/SIZE]
I’m sorry… I totally forgot about human gravy…
Jesus… What was I thinking? ;( :*(
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