Yahoo! party Nov. 1 - Ontario Place

Hey all, I know this is probably retarded of me, but I was just wondering if anyone else was at the Yahoo! party last night (nov. 1) held at Ontario Place.

The reason I am asking is because, this was the first year that I actually went, I always hear so much hype about how great these Yahoo! parties are, but I never go, this year I went and I have to say that I had fun. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I am an introvert by nature. I mainly just hung out with people I knew, shook a few hands had a few drinks but mainly hung out with peeps I knew.

with all this being said, the Yahoo! party is mainly held to promote networking, I suck, in terms of functioning as a normal human being and so I completely ignored the intention of the party. So I’m also wondering who here goes to industry parties and actually do what these parties are designed for: networking.

I manage to get work through people I know that I’ve worked with before, and sheer hard work and dedication, not through parties and shmoozing, that whole side of the new media industry is over-hyped, and over-glamorized in my opinion.

so again, who here actually benefit from industry parties?