LoL, thx… I’m never “hard up” for a critique, I just like creative feedback, maybe something I didn’t do that could be done… w/e. You should lounge around S&C now and again, yea i got 74 or so view on my thread and only 4 replys or soemthing like that. I think from now on though I’ll post here in D&D.
I was looking at the flyer, and the noise seems real extreme now, when you look at it as a whole. I almost thought it looked better a little more subtle, and knocked back. Eh, I dunno that’s my .02
i think the noise looks good, just weird when its shrunk down lilke that, (i mean when its printed, it will probably look a lot different, and better). What is up with the, that just looks wierd, i like just plain white text personally…
o and simplistik, do have links to any of your work… i mean all ur sites just have splash pages, do you have anywork i could see (battles, sites, print, etc.)? Sorry for being off topic.
anywho, I’ve got lots of stuff I just don’t advertise. I put my stuff up in S&C if you just want to look at some of my posts. most of my portfolio is for Reebok which I’m under a NDA. But DDD can vouch for me too
As for the noise, yea… sorry :(. I may start a thread in S&C and dedicate it to a image I do w/ all noise :). I did notice something else, is there a slight dropshadow under the words? If so I like that, makes it pop off the design, and makes it look better, if not must be my eyes, and maybe you should think about a dropshadow, LoL.
I think the movie poster looks is what he was goin for
lol mlkdave for the record I didn’t create that website.
Yea there is a slight drop shadow on the lettering. The $0.99 was created after finishing the freaky friday lettering and if you look closely you can see I had some trouble matching them up.
I remember seeing some of your reebok work and it was really cool.