Your Biggest Fear(s)

Sometimes I go paranoid :P.

I hear the door close while I’m typing…

My door does that… whe nI have the window open the door goes mad… open, close, open , close… make up your mind you piece of… wood

My biggest fear is losing one of my folders… which contains about everything Ive accomplished in my entire life :wink:

My biggest fear is going bald :thumb:!


Oh and another one is instantly forgetting everything i know about coding, flash, webdesign and things related to that…

oh, I’ve always feared being the only person alive on Earth and not being able to kill yourself. I would guess that immortality has its flaws as well :-/

Hm, I sort of got over a lot of my fears.
As a youngster I was afraid of quite a bit. I was afraid of heights; that’s not too bad now, although I can relate to what someone wrote about the looking over and jumping thing…
Also, I was always afraid of that movie Childsplay. I saw some of it really young; all I remember are some scary machines and that **** red headed doll… ahhh! But I got over that easy.
Biggest thing is social. I’ve always had trouble with the ladies, and generally people. But around 11th grade I got pretty sociable and am now pretty good at striking up conversations, keeping it natural, throwing in my humour, and not being all boring. I think it’s probably that way with most people, when we aren’t some super-spotlighted football star or whatever. I’ve seen mistakes others make in social situations, and I avoid them (such as bringing up something like kirupa heh). So I’ve over come anxiety or something. Somehow this relates, somehow.

  • ** dying. ** -

I hate birthdays - 1 more year of life - 1 less year to live. And… since i don’t believe in any religions, it’s scary to think when you die, you… die. you go to no where. No one will know where you went or what you are. I witnessed my granpa’s death… absolutely horrible to watch…


Oh my god - that SERIOUSLY got me for a second. I hate you :P!

did you really suspect that a spider was hiding in your monitor? fact creeps me out all the time, ever since I read that article about that woman who was licking envelopes; a couple weeks later, she developed a lump in her lips. eventually, a nest of cockroaches came out. yuck. apparently she partially cut her lip on an envelope that had eggs on it, and it served as a breeding ground for the insects.


That was one wierd story.

dogs… I absolutely HATE dogs… not the tiny little wankers you can kick 40 yards, but those huge ugly ****** dogs…

I’ve been attacked once, nearly attacked 2-3 times, been scared sh!tless by them many times, I HATE them… :scream:

I’d rather take a 2 mile detour than walk past a house that has an open yard and barking coming from the door.

it’s just a personal phobia that kinda evolved since my first attack.

!!! that’s the creepiest, weirdest thing I’ve heard in a while. got any sources to back that up? sounds nuts.

:lol: Eilsoe, I dont hate them but that is some funny shiznit!

Thot that was the single grossest thing I’ve ever read. Rock my to sleep tonight why don’t you…

once i was watching tv. and my nose started to tickle. I thought it was just my hair, cuz I had long hair then. and after a minute of tickling, i focused on ly nose. IT WAS A HUGE SPIDER! must have dropped from the celing. it freaked me out sooooooo much!!!

yeah, i have a knack for doing that, don’t i :-/

and as for sources, here’s a link:

read it carefully.

I guess the story wasn’t true.



Well there is a story about a guy who got a cut on his head and never had it looked at. A fly dropped some larva in there and he had like a whole maggot infestation in his head and brain. I’ve seen pictures… ugh makes me sick to think about it.

I can not stand Sharks…

The scariest animal to be around, just image, a whole family of them, around you, in the middle of the ocean…