i need your help with my dissertation. It is about how national identities evolve through design and related media. Kirupa make a fantastic ‘international’ viewpoint and i would be really grateful if you would answer a handful of questions to help my research…
Family cultural origin
For the following criteria, what do you feel best reflects your national identity?
[]CN Tower (worlds largest phallic symbol :trout:.)
[]Wayne Gretzky, Mike Weir
[]Beaver Tales
[]None come to mind.
[*]Plaid shirts.
1): 13 (14 on Nov 11th)
2): English
3): Irish/English
4): Houses of Parliament
5): Dyson
6): Alex Ferguson
7): Sausage & Chips
8): Glastonbury
9): I can’t think up one :-\
wow, this is great stuff… i knew you guys wouldnt let me down!
my own cultural origins are northern irish so i was fascinated by paddy’s answers…also much confused over the lack of ideas for the canadian identity! when i visited canda, there were lots of things i re-call, it wud be good for you to have a think cheesy!
keep them coming, i hope it is kinda interesting for you guys to read!
doesnt it speak volumes about british cuisine that curry is seen as our national dish??
Family cultural origin: Austrian (Ancestors also from Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungarian <-- which were partly Austrian regions at that time - before world war 1)
For the following criteria, what do you feel best reflects your national identity?
However, contrary to this, most of the “cultural icons” don’t represent the way “real” Australians are. They’re more like how Australia is viewed by the rest of the world.
Personally, I think; Sydney Opera House is ugly, Most of the brands we have/use are American, Ian Thorpe is a typical jock, VB (victoria bitter) takes like goat p*ss, I tried to sleep through the Olympics and thongs are a disgrace to fashion.