I know I know, my girl is really far in the game and keeps teasing me… telling me she’s going to tell me stuff if I dont do stuff for her.
She can be an evil woman sometimes hahaha just dont tell her I said that! Yikes!
I know I know, my girl is really far in the game and keeps teasing me… telling me she’s going to tell me stuff if I dont do stuff for her.
She can be an evil woman sometimes hahaha just dont tell her I said that! Yikes!
Wow, a girl who plays Zelda. I need to get me one of those! The only gal i know who plays Zelda games is my Mum. (she stole my GBA dammit!):!:
Oh yah - I’m a lucky one that’s for sure! She loves her GameCube! I remember when I got Zelda tOoT for my 64 when we FIRST stated dating, she sat and watched me play that thing for like 30 hours, helping me solve puzzles and stuff… it was/is great I’m blessed!
a girl in my school plays Zelda (she is soo f*ing hot too!). but sureShot, do like me and dont sleep for a few days, you get real far then! (jk)
@A- I got morrowWind but didnt really like it. i was more of a fps when i bought it. i will play it again after zelda.
but my next challenge on the cube is Metroid!
I dont know what hooked me on Morrowind.
I rented it because it was nothing esle looked good. I was actually kinda pissed about having to rent it. I bought it the day I returned it to the video store.
I am not big on action RPG’s either (other than zelda)
I like the freedom you have in the game. The money system was the most advanced Id ever seen. The more you do business with people the more they like you and the better deals you get…
It was a blast.
Are there any other Elder Scolls series RPGS that are slated for release soon?
There are older ones. but i just beat the wind temple and tomorrow i set out to find 8 things i need but i wont say what they are (fur the boomerang ppl, lol)
I just never got into MorrowWind, i will play it again after this like i said.
I wonder who dipi is talking about…?
Thanks dude!
woot! im at the wind temple
Woo! im getting the game after work tonight! You guys are never going to see me again once i get that I’m sure!
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